I'm messing with shit today, sorry about the theme change. -RBCPI hate new things. -Murd0c
Just bought Steve Irwins wetsuit from Ebay but there is a hole in the chest area. I think I've been stung !
ILuv thought you may be interested in this then ...http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MY-HANDWRITTEN-JOURNAL-JESUS-APPEARED-TO-ME-TOLD-ME_W0QQitemZ200027598832QQihZ010QQcategoryZ88433QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
#2. THE CURE FOR CANCER: The cure for cancer is actually the knowledge of the precise CAUSE OF CANCER. We already know the cures for cancer, mainly prevention and early detection. Also chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and alternative medicine. We also are acutely aware of the roles of carcinogens, environment, heredity and diet. But what is the PRECISE AND SOLE CAUSE OF CANCER? CANCER OCCURS WHEN WE EAT OUR OWN FLESH. (Two very simple examples of eating our own flesh are biting our cuticles or biting our lips.) When a piece of our own flesh is digested, microscopic fragments of our own DNA enter the bloodstream. If a piece of this DNA enters a vulnerable cell, the nucleus of the cell identifies the 'food' as 'self' and this causes a 'circuit' to be blown in the nucleus. When (and if) that cell goes to divide, it does so in a haphazard fashion, dividing into four instead of into two and the mutation continues. There is an interesting correlation to Christianity here. Jesus told us to "take His flesh and eat it." Now he wants us to know not to eat our own flesh in any way because it is deadly.
I wanted to E-mail that to a friend but I have to be an E-bay member.