Whenever someone orders PLA shit, I've always put a note in with their order, usually thanking them for their order. By 2000, the thank you notes evolved into a single printed page that I made in Microsoft Publisher which not only thanked people for their orders, but advertised more crap that they could buy. Around 2003, I turned it into a newsletter which reprinted stuff from the website and included games, phone numbers, ads for Rubicon, pictures of pay phones and all kinds of other stuff. There's even an ad in one for PLA Radio, back when PLA Radio was nothing more than a shoutcast server. I made 3 issues of it in 2003, then got bored with it and quit forever.
I've had a giant stack of these newsletters ever since then and I usually throw them in with t-shirt orders and other things that I send out to people. Since I've sent out over 100 PLA books in the past couple weeks, I've started receiving email from people who had never heard of the Phoneloser Monthly thing and asked if I had any more issues that I could send them. The only problem is that I finally ran out of them all.
So I dug around on one of my computers until I found the original Publisher files. Then I had to install Microsoft Publisher since I haven't used it in about 7 years. THEN I had to go online and find all the missing fonts since I used a ton of weird fonts for these things. THEN I downloaded a PDF maker and turned all 3 issues into PDF files.
What I'm getting at is that I've created a page for Phoneloser Monthly and I've put the PDF files of them all on it. So if anyone wants to go print them out and read about what a huge boner I had for Vonage back in 2003, now's your chance!
http://www.phonelosers.org/newsletter/I think I'm going to make another one soon so I'll have something more current to throw in with PLA book orders.