Author Topic: Setting up a PBX and Spoofing Caller-ID's With Asterisk and Flowroute  (Read 13729 times)

Offline tully

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I've been interested in hacking/phreaking for quite some time now. I've always knew about asterisk and flowroute but really haven't used either much. I did a little bit of research today and found out that flowroute will let you set your own caller-id for outbound calls. This could be very useful/bad. They charge .0098c/min for calls and $6.95 unlimited for 2 channels with a $1.00 set up fee. If you could generate enough traffic you could get a pretty successful spoofing business going. They also let you pick your DID and offer 800 numbers which reveal blocked CID's (*67) numbers. There is a way to do that with a normal flowroute number but that is for another tutorial. So, let's get started with setting up Elastix. This is asterisk and a modified freepbx wrapped around centos.

You can download Elastix here. I'm using version 2.0.3.
Code: [Select]

This tutorial will work for either installing it on a physical machine or in vmware. Unfortunately I'm not going to walk you through the installation as it's rather straightforward and I'm doing enough hand holding as it is.

Once Elastix is installed you'll need to know it's ip address. Type in "ifconfig" and hit enter.

Once you have that naviage to that address in your web browser. You'll be greeted with this

Now, we're going to configure X-Lite, a softphone, to work with Elastix.

Click on the PBX tab at the top. Then click on the Extensions button on the left under Basic. Select "Generic SIP Device" and click submit.

Now we'll configure the extension. Pick a display name, an outbound CID (this is set to show up as the caller id), and a secret (this is the password for the extension). The rest of the configurations are optional and not covered in this tutorial. Click submit at the bottom of the page.

Next, you'll notice a little red bar at the top of the screen. ANY changes you make within Elastix will require you to push this button. Failure to do this will only make you look stupid.

Now we'll set up X-Lite, you can download it here.

Code: [Select]
Install it. Once it starts up you'll see this.

Click on the Account Settings button and configure it similar to how I have according to what you put into Elastix. Make sure and uncheck "IM/Presence", this may cause problems. Account name should be your display name, user id should be your extension, the domain should be local, password should be what you set for secret, display name should be obvious, authorization name should be your extension. Make sure Domain Proxy is checked and Proxy is selected with the address of Elastix. Hit ok and X-Lite should register fine. You cannot make calls at this time.

Go to and register. You'll get .25c of free credit to make calls with. Once you log in you'll be greeted with this page.

Next you'll need to click the "Interconnection" button at the top. Then click on the "System Configurator" at the bottom.

Once you do that, select "trixbox" from the dropdown menu and follow the instructions.

You'll need to go to "Trunks" and "Add SIP Trunk" in Elastix.

Then you'll fill in the information that flowroute has provided.

Make sure that you include the register string at the bottom.

After this is done you'll need to setup how outbound routes are handled. So, click on Outbound Routes and 9_outside.

Next, you might want to rename the route, do so by clicking the rename button. Then select how you want your dial patterns to be. Default is 9|. which means you can dial anything as long as you dial a 1 first. I prefer to simply dial a number and i have these 3 in the field, 1NXXNXX, NXXNXX, NXX. Then, make sure to select SIP/flowout as your outbound trunk to use.

Next hit apply and go back to your softphone. Dial 1-xxx-xxxx and your call should go through without a hitch. Remember, to change the CID that shows up it's under Extensions -> your X-Lite extension -> Outbound CID.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2011, 12:38:39 PM by tully »

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