There's one semi-officially in the works. Whenever I get up to typing out the entire presentation. (Not that we have ever stuck to it before, so). But yeah, Rob Vincent, I-BaLL and I are possibly maybe doing it as well.
Yeah I was talking to RTF about it over twitter and he said everything was really tentative. Obviously we should all do it together -- I think you guys would benefit from having people that have actually been active for the past 2 years contribute
oh oh oh burn burn go the burn unit i-ball
yeah I can think of the theme of "pranking in 2012?" and go over how we've introduced new technology/concepts of the age into the fine ancient art of pranks/phreaking. the social engineering aspect is an awesome one, I agree arbie. The shit with the webcams was pretty cash too. And then throw in some stuff that's just plain funny.
did someone say killer robots?