At least for the final four digits, they all count seconds.
On December 14 at 04:41:47 server time, the number was: 1166143149.
On Devember 16 at 10:28:00 server time, the number was: 1166290000.
It's decimal, not hexagesimal, so if you try to count them by sixties you'll get something like the wrong answer.
Anyways, the central two digits, 14 and 29, have a difference of 15. If you take 150,000s and divide it down to hours, you get 41 and a half. The difference between the data was 54 hours, though, so there might not be the same relation between the central two numbers as there is between the final four. And it's clearly not just a seconds counter, unless it started with a HUGE displacement, because that many seconds would fill up 37 years.
I propose Arbie tells us the function for the timer.