thanks for taping me truly appreciate it. great to see those who say they have absoultely nothing to do with my prank calls, are actually playing the same games as my prank caller.
Aside from that sound clip, I've never spoken with you. I did listen to your story, though, and I guarantee you that you are entertaining the hell out of your prankster. If I were the one responsible, I would be thrilled with your reactions. Calling the cops, whining to strangers for hours about the pranks, recording the calls, threatening random people with the police. As a prankee, you rule.
It's not too hard to just hang up the phone as soon as you realize it's a prank call. That's all it takes to get rid of them. Or don't answer the phone when weird shit comes up on your caller ID. Turn off your ringer. Don't argue with them. Don't try to outsmart them. And don't have hour-long conversations with the people that they 3-way you to. "Ignore them and they will go away" really works. I guarantee it. You won't do that, though, because you're enjoying the attention.