after long thought about a MITM attack on a wii, i googled for wii hacks and found the program DarwiinRemote - which basically allows you to use your Wii Remote as a mouse for your MacBook. the only downfall was that you have to be near your wii turned on to use the "sensor bar" as they call it, but it doesnt sense anything, it emitts IR. so i made my own. and now i can be more portable. Wii is aweome, Macbooks are awesome. white electronics are aweome!
the back of the "IR bar" (potato chip bag clip i drilled holes into)
IR being picked up by PhotoBooth and the webcam in the macbook
inside you can see where i super lued and taped..
This is how i'll store it in my MacBooks "diaper bag"... (laptop bag filled with a huge amount of electronics)
i bought 3 "276-143"s (IR LED's) for $1.79 each USD, potato chip bag clip (needs to be white to match the MacBook, wii remote, ipod, phone, nintendods, and mac remote...hehe, and a (white) usb cable. cut the extra end from the usb cable (firewire, or square end) and stip and splice the big cable to find 4cables inside: red=+5v, cut off the green and white cables they are for data, and the black cable you use for ground.
The IR's are like any other LED the huge part on the inside is the cathode (negative) lead. put them in series 1.6v+1.6v+1.6v = 4.8v ~ 5v. and wire them up, glue them into the drilled holes in the clip and glue the cable on the back and put a piece of electrical tape over it until the glue dries fully. - finished, plug it in and fire up DarwiinRemote - with a little script fu you can make the buttons do what the want. - click on IR SENSOR and then ENABLE MOUSE IR. clip the potato chip bag clip to the top of your laptop. - done.