Heres a trick I'm sure you guys could pull off. You know how when you get your phone bill a self addressed envelope is included, so you have a faster time paying? How often do you guys check that the address is really your phone companies? What I'm getting at is you could probably create fake phone bills and send them to people. In order to do this you need:
1. Their name, address, and phone number
2. Their account number *you don't need the exact one, but it makes it a tad bit more realistic if you do
3. A copy of their last phone bill *in order to see what it looks like, and so you have some numbers they usually call
4. Thier last payment made *so you can bill them without them calling about their large phone bill
To get:
1. Pick a phone number at random, do a CNAM query for the billing name, then do a property search of that billing name to get an address (or you can illegally get that information from the telephone company with a pretext)
2. If you know the person you could probably come and visit them at their house. I know many people have their bills just lying around, as the wate to accumulate the money to actually pay for it. Find their account number on the bill and write it down. You could also get this information illegally from the telephone company as well.
3. Call the telephone company (impersonating them), and just ask to get a copy of the phone bill sent to another address.
Once you have your information:
1. Try to reconstruct the phone bill on your computer as much as possible (you will only need to do this once out of all your scams)
2. Be sure to include their account number
3. In the detailed billing section, include numbers they called last month
4. Be sure it adds up to their last ballance
5. Create a self addressed envelope (that goes to your mail drop)
to clean things up:
1. Call the telephone company and ask them when the billing cycle ends. Just so they don't get suspisous, if they got a bill last week.
2. Sign them up for "paper free billing", so they don't get a real phone bill in addition to yours
3. If you want to be nice, you can call the phone company after the real bill gets sent out (and after you recive your payment); call the billing department and claim you are from Reciveable Management, and that "the costumer #account number#, made his payment on #date# in full." So you don't ruin their credit or anything...
I know this sound complicated but it probably could be pulled off. Anybody have enough balls to try it out?