If you hate reading ALL of those posts on the PLA Forums, then you might like to know how to filter out the forums you don't like. To read every new post on the forums, you visit this URL:
http://www.phonelosers.org/forums/index.php?action=unreadIf you want to read only new posts in the General section, you would visit this URL:
http://www.phonelosers.org/forums/index.php?action=unread;boards=1Because the General forum is #1. You can find out the numbers of the forums by mousing over them and looking at their numbers. If you wanted to read only the General forum and the PLA Radio forum (#18), you'd go to this URL:
http://www.phonelosers.org/forums/index.php?action=unread;boards=1,18To customize your own URL, you can add in the numbers of all the boards you want to read, separated by commas. Then add your completed URL as a bookmark or stick it somewhere in your browser bar. Or make it your start page!
I'm sure there's a way to use numbers to exclude only certain boards too, but I'm too lazy to go look that up right now.
This helpful tip brought to you by me.
Also, you might notice the new "
READ NEW POSTS" thing in the sidebar. It's color coded for all you dumb people!
Blue reads all new posts on the forums
Red reads all new posts, except for the user boards
Green reads only posts that have replies to your posts
If I think of something else to add in there, I'll make it purple and that'll be REALLY exciting!
I also put one on the bottom of the sidebar, so when you're done with a thread, you don't have to scroll back to the top to click on New Posts again.