I don't really remember the year, time of year, or anything like that, since sitting in front of a computer instead of being out in the open tends to help blend seasons and even year(early to mid 90's?), but I do remember that in a sea of douchebag texts sitting stale inside the belly of a 618 BBS I first read either a text by Brad, or a PLA zine...I dunno which.
Suddenly though, and sadly, I like many others drifted away from BBS's and was amazed by the net. It wasn't until some years later that a friend and I decided to start playing Tradewars, and were glad to find The Launchpad still operating in the 618. The year was 1998, and I even believe it was summer, as I'd mostly grown out of my pimply computer screen years and would actually take a walk now and then. Just for shit and giggles I decided to look in at the files, and bumped into PLA....I was super stoked to find it years later, this tome of engaging, funny as hell, real life experiences from a social engineers standpoint. What else could I do at such a time? I hit the internet and on a whim tried to find the PLA....what would you know, Brad had a whole website, and I even think I got to listen to some clips at that time(maybe, maybe not?).
Over the years I've dropped in, read what RBCP has been up to, what everyone has done, and who the latest victim has been. I'm never disappointed in a visit and it always feels new. I'm even trying out pranking myself after all these years, communicating with everyone for the first time....I just wish I would have joined in sooner!
Keep up the good work RBCP, and everyone else who continues to pump new blood into the insanity that is PLA.