Has anybody seen WarGames: The Dead Code yet? If you haven't, don't. It sucked.
I disagree. The film, for all of it's flaws and inaccuracies is entertaining and keeps up with itself. What specifically about the movie didn't you like, Kira?
I was indeed entertaining. Just like that Numa Numa video. But that alone doesn't make it worth watching.
But the main reason I didn't like it was because of all the annoying product placement.
I'm pretty sure this was an actual line from the movie:
"OMG have you heard about this website called FACEBOOK? Yeah FACEBOOK is so great we should log in right now for no particular reason! Doesn't this shot of FACEBOOK'S amazing homepage make you just want to whip out the ole lotion bottle and go to town? FACEBOOK! FACEBOOK! FACEBOOK!!!!!! Also, I'm not well versed in the whole "Terrorist" scene, but it seems to me like they would have something better to do than spend their time playing online games. Especially ones that make you bet actual money before you can play. I mean, I guess some evil-doers are also avid video game junkies, but this seems like an unusual prospect to build AN ENTIRE MOVIE ON!
*Bitchy whiny rant ends here*
Oh, and just a side note, I thought it was weird how a few terms came up during the movie like when Dennis says to Will, "Wanna do some WarDriving?". Considering "WarDriving" came from "WarDialing" and that term was coined because of the first WarGames movie, it kinda felt like Dennis had indirectly broken the fourth wall.
It didn't really bother me or anything, I just kinda wondered why they would put that in the script.