I'm really liking Twitter lately, but I don't feel like I've found the most efficient way to keep up with Twitter posts yet. I'm currently reading most of them via
Digsby, which is an instant messaging program that also shows you Twitter, Myspace and Facebook statuses. When I'm on vacation or out of town I'll sometimes receive Twitters via SMS on my phone, but I think that would get annoying to have running every day even when I'm at home.
I've tried other Windows applications and Firefox extensions and haven't liked them much. Digsby is nice, but it seems like I could do better. Anyone have any suggestions? Here are links to other Twitter programs:
http://twitter.com/downloadshttp://twitter.pbwiki.com/AppsWhat would be perfect is if I could just subscribe to the RSS feed of my Twitter friends list. But Twitter won't allow that. From what I've read, I think they used to let you do that but for some reason they won't anymore. I could subscribe to the individual feeds of every person I follow on Twitter, but that would be tedious. It shouldn't be that difficult.