All I see is "This video is private." Do you get to see more because you're his friend because he's in love with you?
I said that, silly. When I click to watch the video. I see teh the thumbnail and description in my favorites list.
*shudder* Seriously, please stop saying that. It conjures images I CAN'T UNSEE!
Do you think he changed the description just last week when he logged in?
Your guess is as good as mine. I was just checking my favorites for baleeted videos for copyright infringement (~20/~600), I hadn't thought to look at the description before then.
And who can even see his videos? You'd think it would just be his friends, which is you and I'm pretty sure 2 other PLA people. But you can't? So who's he talking to?
I can't see them. I guess private isn't friends only but only viewable to him (but we know he doesn't watch them because if he did, he'd notice the writing and text in his videos are illegible.)
Did anybody try Trev's trick that let's you wget videos off of youtube? Someone should download his videos and post them up on their profile.
I did try using
this YouTube downloading tool, but it didn't work. Other similar tools gave errors reading that the video could not be found. These crux of these tools is that probably depend on the "watch" link to parse the download url.
It can't be that hard. The download links have to be formatted in the same way with the video id as the variable. I haven't looked into it, though.