I've been searching for some revenge ideas and I just came across this forum, so I figured I might get some help, or ideas from some folks here. Anyway, here's why I'm looking to do some nasty stuff to someone:
About 18 years or so ago, my brother and father had some kind of falling out. I'm still not sure what happened, but it resulted in my brother moving and not having any kind of contact with us. Well, I began looking for him after a couple of years, because as far as I knew, we were on good terms. TO make a long story short, I found my niece a little over a year ago and she let me know that my brother was a completely different person from the one I knew 18 years ago. He abused and brutally beat his wife and my niece and nephew and is apparently nothing more than an alcoholic bully. I've tried to contact him and ask him about this and why he just left without any contact for so many years, but he refuses to talk to me. So, since he refuses to act like a man and talk to me man to man, I decided to fuck with him as much as possible. I started off by placing several ads on Craigslist for free stuff that I thought was sure to grab people's attention. This resulted in hoards of people flocking to his house a few weeks ago, between midnight and 5am, Friday and Saturday night, inquiring about said free stuff. I plan to do this again, very soon with a little more time for the ad to run and answer emails, so hopefully I can get a hundred or more people to show up. But, I'd like some more ideas on stuff to do. I live on the East Coast, while he lives in Boise, ID. So if anyone has an ideas for some long distance dirty trick type stuff, I'd be quite happy to hear it.