Nomad didn't create these, I did. He's just posted these, so thanks. I followed the link from the videos stats page. I love the PLA Podcast and the site BTW.
I enjoy using STalker, regardless of the comment that it's "SooOOOO 1997". Back to the Future is so 1988, yet I still enjoy watching it. So what.
You can still find joy using it, and you'll find that people are more patient and yet easily agitated when they think they're on the phone with a senior citizen who can't comprehend logic.
It's the most convincing voice on STalker by far. I have yet to prank someone and hear them remark "Oh. I'm talking to a computer. Stop calling!" And believe me, I've pranked way too many people as Mildred.
I'm working on some new pranks that I'll upload to my YouTube account soon.