For real fun go to the hunting department and ask for some ammuntion and then ask to look at one of the rifles. then load the ammunition into the rifle and shoot people. make sure to get it on video too so that everyone can see the hilarity. then get on the paging system and play the benny hill theme while you go on a shooting spree in the store. after you have killed a bunch of people go to the loss prevention office and steal the security tapes. then go to electronics and find a computer that has internet or something, or tether your phone to a computer or some shit. upload the videos to youtube, rapidshit etc. and post links around the internet. then put the slippery stuff near all the doors so the police will slip when they come to kill you HAHAHAHAHASHAHAHAHHAHSAYHFDSAGAhlads;kordjnpareojw[;lk''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''