Author Topic: Have no clue where the fuck to put this so i'll stick it here: PS3 Owners  (Read 3320 times)

Offline CerealKiller

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What's your PSN name???

Mine's: Itsmy6
« Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 03:41:32 PM by CerealKiller »
You're Killing Me Smalls!

Offline Sidepocket

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Offline CerealKiller

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You're Killing Me Smalls!

Offline notlist3d

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Since no one else has done this yet I will do it.   8)

Xboxlive > PSN

Offline CerealKiller

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Since no one else has done this yet I will do it.   8)

Xboxlive > PSN

Yet you still have to pay for it and buy a $100 adapter just to get online. Damn n00b!
You're Killing Me Smalls!

Offline RushPwnsX

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Since no one else has done this yet I will do it.   8)
Xboxlive > PSN
Yet you still have to pay for it and buy a $100 adapter just to get online. Damn n00b!
It's worth it
Atonal apples.

Offline rbcp

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Yet you still have to pay for it and buy a $100 adapter just to get online. Damn n00b!

$100 adapter?  You're thinking of the PS2.  With the Xbox 360 you just plug in a network cable and you're online.  And the $45/year for Xbox Live is completely worth it.

So is PS3's network pretty good?  I've never played on it before.  I know it's getting harder to find people to play with on our few online PS2 games.

Offline notlist3d

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$100 adapter?  You're thinking of the PS2.  With the Xbox 360 you just plug in a network cable and you're online.  And the $45/year for Xbox Live is completely worth it.

So is PS3's network pretty good?  I've never played on it before.  I know it's getting harder to find people to play with on our few online PS2 games.

Yea no 100 dollar adapter, even if you did get a wireless adapter for it you can get one for a decent amount less than that.  I had a ps3... the online play was not near as good as xboxlive.  It was free but i choose paying for xboxlive(i have bought off ebay or found deals last couple of years :) dont pay full price for it most of time).  I was left with mostly disapointment, i ended up returning it yay sams club 100 percent satisfaction return policy.  The only thing it has going for it is the blue ray player.

Offline N3gativ3sanity

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There's a lot more downloadable content for the 360 as opposed to the PS3 as well since publishers have to pay to have their DLC included on the PS3, where it's free for them with the 360. Fallout3, perfect example. 
S1acker: wtf do they wanna take my plasma for
Negs: For people in the hospital, I guess
S1acker: they can get their own

Offline RushPwnsX

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There's a lot more downloadable content for the 360 as opposed to the PS3 as well since publishers have to pay to have their DLC included on the PS3, where it's free for them with the 360. Fallout3, perfect example. 
And PSs are made by commies
Atonal apples.

Offline kiloklok

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« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 07:17:38 AM by kiloklok »
I hang wit bums