Dude, you're just justifying the action of hurting a person. Yea, people are stupid but does that mean we should try to take advantage or try to harm them for kicks? It's ridiculous that you can somehow justify a horrible act with something so minimal.
No. Dex isn't hurting anyone. These people are willingly decimating themselves in fierce competition to show their complete and total lack of cognitive ability to perform thinking even on the most basic of levels. Even if he were to get fifteen of these people to swallow a mouthful of battery acid, I'd still show no remorse to them whatsoever.
Can you, in your entire existence, tell me the last time you thought it would be a good idea to piss on your fellow employees? Eat shit and drink piss? Take a hammer to everything in a rented room because someone told you there are spy cameras setup some where inside of said room? Shit, man. I never laughed at any of Dex's stuff; always found it amazingly boring. Real entertainment came from reading about these apes and their outcry to be pitied because they lack any aforementioned ability of thought.
Dex is social engineering on a grand scale. Do I think he should be punished? Not in the least. Because if he can convince people to do this and they don't bat an eyelash in question of any of what he proposes as a solution or a proven method of solution, they all deserve what they get. Brutal, sure. Truthful, very.