I love the fact that your forum warns me that activity "invasive of a person's privacy" is prohibited... Brilliant...
You did know I was reading this thread all along, right? Brad *must* have worked it out.
So Brad, the job I was referring to was the radio hosting gig you have with Party934, but you also run 'hoorayforbuttons.com' as a home business too. Apparently. The rest is for all to see on your Myspace page, as I'm sure you know. There's also an address posted publicly for you that isn't your PO box... but I won't disclose that in case it is current (it's in a fairly obvious place if you do want to find it...).
Is this complete? Probably not. Is it a demonstration that you share a great deal of information about yourself? I reckon so - I've only used the most basic of free tools. It's odd to me that you're so anxious to prove I don't know your occupation, but post much more personal details in the open.
And yes - before you get too excited - that same information is out there about me... a little more of some and a little less of the other, but enough.
Did I know it was you all along? Not just from reading your first comment, no. However this thread popped up under your name in time for me to notice Dino was posting from the same town as you on the same cable provider you mentioned in the first blog post Google found on your site ...it wasn't much of a leap of faith.
So what have we proven here? Well not much either way... but that you'd have been a great deal more welcome to have the conversation - however much I disagree with you - on my site if you'd been honest about your identity and hadn't used offensive words about women.
Oh... and Nynex... What kind of surname is Waldrip?
I'm happy to stay here and discuss this with you all or you can just delete this. Your choice... I'm afraid we're off-topic for my site now though.