So this idiot that lives next to us in a condo, he live n the other unit. Has been playing his music so fuckin loud recently at terrible hours, but me, being the prankster I am, crafted a clever revenge ideas, and lets just say, the music has come to an abrupt end!
So this guy (mike) moves in 3 years ago, he is a fine neighbor, although an exteme alcoholic who leaves his old beer cans in a clear plastic bag on trash day (as much as 40 miller lite beer cans a week). He had a girlfriend named Kathy who worked for the city, she was a skank, last year they split up, I later used this to my advantage in revenge

. So last november of 2009 We had to call the local electric company at 2am because the lights were flickering, so they came at 4am and tested the line and knocked on our door to tel us that everything was fine, and it was by that time, and we had just gotten to bed around 4, they left, so we come back to the upstairs bedrooms to hear loud music blasting, we soon discover that the music is comming from next door. We just assume he got pissed and would get over it, well we were wrong as hell, And now its already late january and it still plays for hours at a time from 4am-8am and he goes to work at 8:30 about so there would be no reason to use the radio and wake up at 4am! Also note he usually passes out drunk around 11:30-12ish! So after awhile enough was enough, there was no reasoning with this man, a total jerk. So when he did play the music we would bang on his wall with a hammer at a attempt to get the message across that we were tired of it as once hed kept us up all night with the music when we had to get up early! (he mustve heard us discussing it the night before because that was the only night he played it that long and loud) and after a few days we got a response back! after over an hour of hammer wall pounding he screams "keep it up and i'll kick your ass right through the fuckin wall!" now how ones ass can be kicked through a wall i'll never know! But so we stoppd but the music continued, So I got this prank idea from the classic prank of lighting a bag of shit on someones porch, now I didnt want to go that far so I just resotred to putting shit food on his porch, started out with 2 jars of old salsa, he cleaned it off, The after the music continued, started using mustard 4 days in a row, and he cleaned it off, and the music did not end! The police can not do anything unless the hear the music, so that option was out. And by mid march the music was still going on keeping us up and hour our two (at worst sometimes 3) awake at night. so finally I took it to another level and first one night put a huge log of cranberry jelly and put it on his porch which looked like a big red turd (haha), later that night around 2am we looked outside and it had been returned to our porch by mr.mike. we romoved it, the music continued and later that day a sign went up on his door stating that our last 3 little "mustard stunts" were being recorded on tape and citing that I was a "dumbass" even with a fake camera on his windowsill (really a laser level device) eventually that went down after nothing appeared on his porch, but the music still continued. So i took the final step and removed the screen late one night from the window and porued common household bleach on the side of his building, it still remains, with splatters of white on the side of his house. Funny. And still he kept comming home every so often in the day to check to make sure nothing had been placed on his porch, still does it I think, And now the music has subsided but still happens every so often, which is why I plan to sign him up for magazine subscriptions under the name "Mike Mustard" "Mustard Lang" and etc. I did this to anothe truly nasty neighbor named Ikieya a large black lady who was extremely nasty but now Is nice for some reason (she apperently has mental issues and is a known local hooker with 4 children out of wedlock that always cause trouble) with names like "Phat Ho" Udi Today(you die today)" "Ikilya Sohn(i kill ya soon)" shit like that and she is now nice. Also made a fake Facebook account under mr.mikes name and sent nasty messages to his three daughters who later found out it wasnt him, and his ex gf who still thinks it was him. Belive me, he deserved all of this!