Author Topic: The Story of Mustard Mike  (Read 8799 times)

Offline Ms.Jones

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The Story of Mustard Mike
« on: April 06, 2010, 10:54:02 PM »
So this idiot that lives next to us in a condo, he live n the other unit. Has been playing his music so fuckin loud recently at terrible hours, but me, being the prankster I am, crafted a clever revenge ideas, and lets just say, the music has come to an abrupt end!

So this guy (mike) moves in 3 years ago, he is a fine neighbor, although an exteme alcoholic who leaves his old beer cans in a clear plastic bag on trash day (as much as 40 miller lite beer cans a week). He had a girlfriend named Kathy who worked for the city, she was a skank, last year they split up, I later used this to my advantage in revenge ;). So last november of 2009 We had to call the local electric company at 2am because the lights were flickering, so they came at 4am and tested the line and knocked on our door to tel us that everything was fine, and it was by that time, and we had just gotten to bed around 4, they left, so we come back to the upstairs bedrooms to hear loud music blasting, we soon discover that the music is comming from next door. We just assume he got pissed and would get over it, well we were wrong as hell, And now its already late january and it still plays for hours at a time from 4am-8am and he goes to work at 8:30 about so there would be no reason to use the radio and wake up at 4am! Also note he usually passes out drunk around 11:30-12ish! So after awhile enough was enough, there was no reasoning with this man, a total jerk. So when he did play the music we would bang on his wall with a hammer at a attempt to get the message across that we were tired of it as once hed kept us up all night with the music when we had to get up early! (he mustve heard us discussing it the night before because that was the only night he played it that long and loud) and after a few days we got a response back! after over an hour of hammer wall pounding he screams "keep it up and i'll kick your ass right through the fuckin wall!" now how ones ass can be kicked through a wall i'll never know! But so we stoppd but the music continued, So I got this prank idea from the classic prank of lighting a bag of shit on someones porch, now I didnt want to go that far so I just resotred to putting shit food on his porch, started out with 2 jars of old salsa, he cleaned it off, The after the music continued, started using mustard 4 days in a row, and he cleaned it off, and the music did not end! The police can not do anything unless the hear the music, so that option was out. And by mid march the music was still going on keeping us up and hour our two (at worst sometimes 3) awake at night. so finally I took it to another level and first one night put a huge log of cranberry jelly and put it on his porch which looked like a big red turd (haha), later that night around 2am we looked outside and it had been returned to our porch by mr.mike. we romoved it, the music continued and later that day a sign went up on his door stating that our last 3 little "mustard stunts" were being recorded on tape and citing that I was a "dumbass" even with a fake camera on his windowsill (really a laser level device) eventually that went down after nothing appeared on his porch, but the music still continued. So i took the final step and removed the screen late one night from the window and porued common household bleach on the side of his building, it still remains, with splatters of white on the side of his house. Funny. And still he kept comming home every so often in the day to check to make sure nothing had been placed on his porch, still does it I think, And now the music has subsided but still happens every so often, which is why I plan to sign him up for magazine subscriptions under the name "Mike Mustard" "Mustard Lang" and etc. I did this to anothe truly nasty neighbor named Ikieya a large black lady who was extremely nasty but now Is nice for some reason (she apperently has mental issues and is a known local hooker with 4 children out of wedlock that always cause trouble) with names like "Phat Ho" Udi Today(you die today)" "Ikilya Sohn(i kill ya soon)" shit like that and she is now nice. Also made a fake Facebook account under mr.mikes name and sent nasty messages to his three daughters who later found out it wasnt him, and his ex gf who still thinks it was him. Belive me, he deserved all of this!

Offline nerdite

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Re: The Story of Mustard Mike
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2010, 06:51:15 AM »
It's never cool to destroy someone else's property. Bleach is a bad idea. However there are other things you could do. Do you have his phone number? You could spoof all sorts of prank calls as coming from him and get lots of people mad at him. You could schedule all sorts of appointments for him with different service companies :) You could post on craigslist that he has stuff to give away, or on freecycle. Is there a local university? Post flyers everywhere that there is a party at his place. SMS bombs are fun too if you can get his cell number.

Offline rbcp

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Re: The Story of Mustard Mike
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2010, 08:53:21 AM »
I know this may be hard to believe, considering the stories I've posted in the past, but I've always dealt with noisy neighbors by just going over and talking with them about the problem.  That usually works really well and doesn't cause them to do it even more just to spite you.  You also feel more justified when you have to resort to fucking with them since you tried to be nice about it.

Next time he turns on the music, you should go out to where the power comes into his house and remove the meter.  I forget what tool you need for that, but it just pops right off.

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Re: The Story of Mustard Mike
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2010, 09:26:02 AM »
although an exteme alcoholic who leaves his old beer cans in a clear plastic bag on trash day (as much as 40 miller lite beer cans a week)

Also note he usually passes out drunk around 11:30-12ish!

"as much as 40" beers a week is like 5 or 6 a day. i'm sure that's not the healthiest lifestyle, but no alcoholic is passing out drunk from 5 beers.

Offline RushPwnsX

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Re: The Story of Mustard Mike
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2010, 09:58:12 AM »
I can't believe no one wants to come forward; I guess I will have to.

The person you really need to worry about is your husband.
You see, a bunch of the guys on the forums and I got together and took him out for his birthday. Long story short... He cheated on you with some Jehovah's Witnesses.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 01:26:33 PM by RushPwnsX »
Atonal apples.

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Re: The Story of Mustard Mike
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2010, 10:13:41 AM »
I have a ton of noisy neighbors because my walls are ridiculously thin


Offline nerdite

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Re: The Story of Mustard Mike
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2010, 10:34:04 AM »
I have a ton of noisy neighbors because my walls are ridiculously thin


Thank you for your insightful comment.


Offline roche

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Re: The Story of Mustard Mike
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2010, 01:18:40 PM »
although an exteme alcoholic who leaves his old beer cans in a clear plastic bag on trash day (as much as 40 miller lite beer cans a week)

Also note he usually passes out drunk around 11:30-12ish!

"as much as 40" beers a week is like 5 or 6 a day. i'm sure that's not the healthiest lifestyle, but no alcoholic is passing out drunk from 5 beers.

I was thinking the same thing. If that guy is an extreme alcoholic then I'm afraid to know what I would be considered.

Offline rbcp

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Re: The Story of Mustard Mike
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2010, 02:08:03 PM »
"as much as 40" beers a week is like 5 or 6 a day. i'm sure that's not the healthiest lifestyle, but no alcoholic is passing out drunk from 5 beers.

Especially if his skanky girlfriend is helping him drink them.

Offline Ms.Jones

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Re: The Story of Mustard Mike
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2010, 08:10:18 PM »
Well first i failed to mention that i see 40+ beer cans in the trash each week BUT every night he also goes to a bar to drink as well!

And his girlfriend isnt his girlfriend anymore she left him recently, jeez I wonder why!

Oh and I did have his phone # (through possibly illegal ways that I cannot mention here) and I used this anonymous prank calling stuff waking him up but eventually he disconnected his phone (cell) and doesnt have a home #.

Offline nerdite

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Re: The Story of Mustard Mike
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2010, 05:40:18 AM »
Well first i failed to mention that i see 40+ beer cans in the trash each week BUT every night he also goes to a bar to drink as well!

And his girlfriend isnt his girlfriend anymore she left him recently, jeez I wonder why!

Oh and I did have his phone # (through possibly illegal ways that I cannot mention here) and I used this anonymous prank calling stuff waking him up but eventually he disconnected his phone (cell) and doesnt have a home #.

Start leaving these in his mailbox everyday.

Offline Ms.Jones

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Re: The Story of Mustard Mike
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2010, 08:17:50 PM »
Well, first off i dont know if i said it in the origional post but also for revenge because i was so fuckin mad at this irrational idiot ( i told him once and he threatended to kick my ass) I had make a Facebook profile in his name pretending to be him and send mean messages to his ex and his daughter, again, i was very pissed at this truly deserving asshole.

Well the last time I put the mustard on his porch, he called the cops, I listen to my scanner all the time but i was just coming home and only caught the end of the convo and the police said "Okay, this is just an additional complaint about the ongoing issue between them, im going to drop off this report for the detective already on this case" But i thought nothing on it like he assumed it was just kids doin it r somethin.

Well not true, came home last night to find one of the detectives had been to my house, left a card in the door so I could call them back. So my mom did. And they said they couldnt talk about it over the phone so we went in to the station (we like like 3 blocks from it) And so they talked to us and told us that mike indeed did have a camera watchingg and that I was caught on the tape, now i know the inside tricks on how they get you to talk, but this wasnt they must really have it on tape because they only said that AFTER i had already admitted to doing it!

So long story short the guy said he'd see where it went from there and charges will most likely be brought upon me in juvenile court!

The charges are:

-"Identity Theft" (pretending to be him on facebook)

-Harrasing phone calls (the 2 prank calls I made to his daughter)

-Criminal Damage (bleach on side of house and mustard on porch)

Seeing this is my very first offence and ive never had any other encounters with the law they will most likely go easy on me especially since im seeing a therapist for my depression/anger/anxiety.

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Re: The Story of Mustard Mike
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2010, 07:41:02 AM »
i mean, i don't believe your story to begin with, but assuming its's true, the cops are pretty shakey on the law.

making a fake facebook account is not identity theft. there are very specific standards for what counts as ID theft, and simple impersonation does not fall into it.

Offline Ms.Jones

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Re: The Story of Mustard Mike
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2010, 10:35:48 AM »
I assumed that it wasnt identity theft. I think they were just saying that to try and scare me into not doing it again.

Offline nyphonejacks

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Re: The Story of Mustard Mike
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2010, 02:10:03 PM »
they can charge him with what ever they want... does not mean that they will be able to get a conviction on all of those charges..

most of the time they try to throw as many charges/counts against you as possible so that you end up coping to a plea deal

as for the identity theft thing... i disagree with linear.. he assumed this persons identity when he created, and posted messages pretending to be from this person.. so i think they have enough to charge with ID theft.. sure he was not stealing this persons ID for financial gain, but he still pretended to be this person..

1- why did you answer ANY of the polices questions at all? NEVER give up any information to the pigs.. especially infoz that can incriminate yourself - they will ALWAYS pretend to be your friend, and act like if you give up the infoz they will go easy on you.. that is not up to them, that is up to the judge and the DA...

2- did you consult with a lawyer, or was your lawyer present when you were questioned/confessed?

3- assuming that you are a minor - were your parents or legal guardian present while you were being questioned?

you did what you did... too late for that.. and coming here and posting evidence of your crimes - which WILL be used by the DA in court against you is not helping your case any...

a good lawyer will be able to have your confession suppressed as evidence if your parents were not present when you were being questioned - and even possibly if they were present, and you felt like you were forced or coerced into confessing.. a better lawyer

an even better lawyer might even be able to get the whole thing thrown out if the police mishandled the case, or your questioning..