Author Topic: Disappearing  (Read 24482 times)

Offline not a banana

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2011, 01:25:06 PM »
No, they acted like during the interview that I was keying it in manually. She very specifically said "When was the first time you keyed in a coupon that you didn't have?" I live in Texas. My mother in law lives in Illinois, but we'd have to get rid of the cats. My wife doesn't want to get rid of them. Yes I noticed on the bottom that it says they can still take me to court even if I do pay them, and I would not put it past them. They want just to get their money out of me and then get their "revenge".

Offline not a banana

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2011, 01:32:56 PM »

I'm not being sarcastic, there are plenty of ways to drop off the face of the planet, people do it all the goddamn time. Usually it's not for stealing $10,000 of Wal-Mart giftcards, usually it's for murder or drug offenses. You got any money? You're going to need it for wherever you're going? How about a car, or a decent way to get where you're going (train, bus, but no air travel) Plan everything out as extensively as you can, then make your get away.

no car. i live in dallas, so i've train and bus.

Offline Altalp

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #32 on: February 27, 2011, 11:54:35 PM »
I am giving you a leet point for not being a liar, then tomorrow I am giving you a lame point for not thinking of a way to do this without having the huge glowing neon finger pointing at you when they realized something was wrong. I feel that they are not prosecuting you because they are ashamed that they were taken that easily. They want to keep it hush hush so other employees dont get the same idea BUT IMPROVE ON IT.

Offline frog

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #33 on: February 28, 2011, 09:01:31 AM »
I feel that they are not prosecuting you because they are ashamed that they were taken that easily. They want to keep it hush hush so other employees dont get the same idea BUT IMPROVE ON IT.

That was my inkling. Unlike the other gift card scams I saw described, this one seems much harder to circumvent. It's interesting if they weren't ready to prosecute you even when they thought you were doing it differently.

I looked into 'walmart employee coupon theft' and found way in the back a single report dealing with theft by coupons, although she was using unauthorized coupons, which is just stupid. There was, however, a couple pages back, a book on organizational behavior which mentions on pages 151-152 that during a single promotional campaign, 12.5% of Wal-mart employees engaged in this scam, costing Wal-mart $700,000! The only other references to 'coupon fraud' were in studies, such as the book above.

Clearly, Wal-mart doesn't want this kind of scam to be any more widespread than it is. I think they got no way to fix it.

Next time you're talking to your Wal-mart lady, mention that the biggest paper in your area is doing a big report on growing employee theft, and somehow they got your name and they want you to explain how you did your ditty. See how she reacts to that.
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Offline blu3b0y

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #34 on: February 28, 2011, 08:44:53 PM »
So I wondered how hard it was to get a job at Wal-Mart. I put in an application on Sunday and got a call on Monday for an interview. I guess it isn't that hard and well hopefully I can get hired only to get fired for whatever random shit people can convince me to do while working.

Offline Macsnapon

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #35 on: March 01, 2011, 09:30:15 AM »
I recommend watching Empire Records for inspiration in your time of desperate need.  Have a house party, invite frats and college sorority girls to booze it up and charge $20/person.. all you have to do is supply a place to hang out, some pizza and beer, and you're in the clear!

Offline kuraz

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #36 on: March 01, 2011, 10:03:50 AM »
I've blacked out some information because I'm slightly concerned about my privacy.

That proofs only that you were clever enough to steal that form and fill it out yourself  :P

Offline kuraz

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #37 on: March 01, 2011, 11:16:45 AM »
You could even set up a voicemail for a fake company and call them back with the reference yourself.  I bet if you look on the internet, there is even a service like this.  Like you pay so much per month and they'll give you a good fake job reference.

maybe will do this.

Offline ApprenticePhreak

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #38 on: March 01, 2011, 11:35:20 AM »
You could even set up a voicemail for a fake company and call them back with the reference yourself.  I bet if you look on the internet, there is even a service like this.  Like you pay so much per month and they'll give you a good fake job reference.

maybe will do this.

Around since 1922? I'm about to derail the whole thread and question this business as a whole. Have they done the same sort of work since then, or does this company just pass down through the hands of various family and stock owners and it mutates itself under the same tax file name they've been using since then? Inquiring minds want to know.

As far as vanishing, you're going to need to just ditch out on everything. Whatever fits in your vehicle, which you don't have, is better. In fact I'm 100% sure you've made friends with people who aren't in your state or any where close to your state at all. This is the age of the electron and baud, after all. If they're decent enough people, they'll give you and yours squatting room for a few months as you search for work doing whatever. I just vaguely remember something about a wife, but can't be bothered to look back through the thread again. But wifey-poo can keep searching for work with her name and the such; you're going to have to pick up the SS from a dead soldier and just ride that one to the grave: again.

But be careful with the dead-man SS. I know a few people who tried doing that for a while and found out the numbers they were using had good credit, even in death, and started to abuse the system by opening countless credit cards to the same address and they were eventually nipped in the ass for it. Federal crime level items.

Offline rbcp

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #39 on: March 01, 2011, 01:19:09 PM »
But be careful with the dead-man SS. I know a few people who tried doing that for a while and found out the numbers they were using had good credit, even in death, and started to abuse the system by opening countless credit cards to the same address and they were eventually nipped in the ass for it. Federal crime level items.

I've read that using other peoples' social security numbers to live under isn't that great of an idea these days.  If you use one for work, seems like the IRS would notice as soon as your employer sends in the paperwork on you.  And there's a death index now which old SSNs go into.  I dunno, maybe it'd be okay for short-term employment.  And if this is just for a few years, it'd probably be better to just find a live person's SSN to use.

Really, though, I don't know if your crime is big enough for them to bother looking for you outside of your own area.  I still think you'd be fine if you just put at few states in between you and the state that you were busted in.  Then you can just use your own identity and not have to break even more laws.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2011, 07:45:30 AM by rbcp »

Offline frog

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #40 on: March 01, 2011, 02:27:42 PM »
But wifey-poo can keep searching for work with her name and the such; you're going to have to pick up the SS from a dead soldier and just ride that one to the grave: again.

Until Wal-Mart decides to involve the police when he stops paying, and the police try to contact people who might know of his whereabouts--his wife will be the first one they call. If she's using her own SSN for employment, it won't be hard to find out where she is.

So it's really a matter of whether or not they will be aggressive enough. But if Wal-mart is trying to keep this coupon thing as much under wraps as possible, they might be less than willing to pursue attention-drawing avenues.
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Offline not a banana

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #41 on: March 01, 2011, 08:03:57 PM »
Well there's a chance we could go live with my wifes mother. She told us in 2008 or so we could go but then I started at walmart. Anything is bound to be better than Dallas.

Offline murd0c

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #42 on: March 02, 2011, 05:43:16 AM »
Well there's a chance we could go live with my wifes mother. She told us in 2008 or so we could go but then I started at walmart. Anything is bound to be better than Dallas.

You sound like you already know what to do.

Offline not a banana

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #43 on: March 02, 2011, 04:05:00 PM »
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like an option. Maybe I could get away with just paying them back what I owe and it not escalating to anything else.

Offline ApprenticePhreak

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Re: Disappearing
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2011, 04:31:57 PM »
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like an option. Maybe I could get away with just paying them back what I owe and it not escalating to anything else.

You have any jobs lined up at the moment, or money squared away for such a thing? No? Well the fact is you're going to have to go into hard nosed negotiations with them until you can find a job again. Because either way the picture you painted up tells us you're going to catch a hard boot in the ass.