Just stumbled here to say G'day from Sydney Australia ... I am old school .. back in the late 80's and 90's in the days of the Amiga 500 computer ..
when phone systems were a joke and easily exploited ... and before there was the internet ...

I was a member of the group Liberty who released this program -->

I was a phreaker , modem trader , co-sysop of a few bbs systems , and did some voice mail box hacking etc.
Even though I sold all my computer gear after the big busts in Australia , I still kept a couple of my private phreaking disks and recently had them converted to adf format so they can be used on the amiga emulator winaue .. if you want to have a look at the programs I was using then you can download them from here -->
http://www.cbm8bit.com/amiga/amiga/server/grandis.nu%20Commodore_Amiga/browse/App/Disk/Phreaking%20AppsIf you read the book the Underground by Suelette Dreyfus .. the introduction mentions a few people from liberty

... you can download it for free here -->
http://www.underground-book.net/anyone from the good old days here ?