Author Topic: Introduce Yourself Here  (Read 381405 times)

Offline nb7899

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2006, 12:00:47 PM »
Hey I'm Noah, I've been reading this site for a while now, and decided to join the forums just a couple weeks ago.  I definitly love doing prank calls, but I guess I don't really know all that much about all the technical stuff.  I'm in my teens, and I'm from New England, (you probably already know which town thanks to County Kid,) but thats ok.  I'm mostly hear because I love listening to the different prank calls, but the forums are pretty cool too.

Offline nwbell

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2006, 02:31:03 PM »
Well, suppose it's about time I posted here...

I'm nwbell, and I'm a n00b. I'm 19 years old, and am a small business owner / hack of all trades IRL (computers/networking, PBXes, and advertising are my main areas). I live and work up in teh 320.

I don't recall how I found the PLA, but I suppose it probably started after reading some textfiles I found on a customer's machine back in the summer of '04. Being as I love technical challenges, I was fascinated by reading The Jolly Roger's far-out claims, and started looking for other info to compare it to. I started doing some field phreaking in a nearby small town, and got to know the infrastructure of the fone company. Somewhere in there I found Cal's, and it was all downhill from there.

About a year ago, I started PLA-Minnesota, one of the suckiest sites on the planet. Shortly after that, I helped pull off the fone mobbing of a local (to me) radio station's on-air auction.

Then, around the time New Cal's came out, I got busy with "real" stuff and fell out of the "PLA scene". Since I wasn't wild about New Cal's, I started causally reading and posting at Binrev.

Now today, I decided to post a little bit here. I don't know why. I just did.
I am an internet haxor. I haxor the internet. It's a pretty good job, million a year plus bennies. So, yeah.
PLA-Minnesota... "A Distant Memory To The Unfortunate Few" • (206) 350-CACTI

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2006, 05:06:35 PM »
Since CC decided to start stalking me, I decided to post it here

I'm 20 and in college for Networking/Network Security, FUN!

I work for the university in ResNet, so I get to fix all the student's computers when they load them up with viruses and spyware and on some other days I randomly walk around campus installing analog, digital, or VoIP phones. I also own a small business that specialized in wireless networking, but also does any other kind of of IT support just so we can pay the bills and I run a Non-Profit that refurbished donated computers and passes them on to other ppl and organizations that can't afford them.

On my off time I enjoy hitting people over the head with old phones and building computers with way too many case fans in them.

Offline nwbell

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2006, 08:16:38 PM »
and I run a Non-Profit that refurbished donated computers and passes them on to other ppl and organizations that can't afford them.

That's cool. I used to do something similar for a local CC, and had one hell of a good time doing it - until the Powers That Be inexplicably turned on the place and made working there a living hell. That part sucked.

On my off time I enjoy hitting people over the head with old phones and building computers with way too many case fans in them.

That's an odd choice of LART. I always leaned more towards a stout plank of wood or a steel pipe, but hey, whatever works :D
I am an internet haxor. I haxor the internet. It's a pretty good job, million a year plus bennies. So, yeah.
PLA-Minnesota... "A Distant Memory To The Unfortunate Few" • (206) 350-CACTI

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2006, 07:03:14 AM »
That's cool. I used to do something similar for a local CC, and had one hell of a good time doing it - until the Powers That Be inexplicably turned on the place and made working there a living hell. That part sucked.

Ya, a few years back, we had an evil takeover, lukly we got out of there and restarted our organization under our own charter.


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2006, 08:04:17 AM »
I'm Chris. (CHR15, or Kemkill) I've been following PLA for quite some time now. I'm from IL. I started a 217 PLA site way back when that was listed in the directory but it never really got anywhere because I'm lazy. I'm 23 and I'm still obsessed with the phone system and prank calls. I'm not too good at talking about myself but atleast I tried right?

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2006, 07:30:27 PM »
Love the site, love the podcast.

Stumbled back upon the site.  Used to lurk it back in the day reading the writeups and listening to all the pranks and stuff.   Never really got very active in the scene aside from building boxes myself and experimenting with howto's from this site and multiple others.

I DJ;  Mostly florida breaks, always on vinyl.

Im 23, work for a major VOIP/ISP  in South Carolina.  Got the job mostly because of the stuff i learned from here.
I'm Always willing to give back to the scene which has given so much to me.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2006, 07:35:33 PM by midnitetill6 »

Offline shadowspinner

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2006, 05:51:48 PM »
Hey, I'm shadowspinner. Phones rock my socks.

Offline imanotherstory

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #23 on: October 21, 2006, 10:39:02 AM »
Hey!  I am Imanotherstory!  I literally stumbled upon PLA, I found a copy of "how to ruin someones life" at work and decided to check out the avengers front page and simply linked over from there.  I get a kick out of the pranks you do  ;D


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #24 on: October 23, 2006, 06:59:01 AM »
Hey this is Mike. Im from upstate ny. im pretty new to this phone stuff. Im not really good @ the tech stuff. But im pretty good @ prank phone calls. Me and a couple of frineds get togeather and prank the local walmarts. My friends loved it when i showed them how to get on the overhead page @ walmart.. i screamed out " attention walmart shoppers from now until 3pm all alchaholic beverages are half off....thats right half off. thank you for shopping wallmart"  i don't think iv ever seen people move so fast..My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself... anyway.. i think what you guys are doings is awesome. keep up the good work..


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #25 on: October 23, 2006, 07:36:10 AM »
Hey this is Mike. Im from upstate ny. im pretty new to this phone stuff. Im not really good @ the tech stuff. But im pretty good @ prank phone calls. Me and a couple of frineds get togeather and prank the local walmarts. My friends loved it when i showed them how to get on the overhead page @ walmart.. i screamed out " attention walmart shoppers from now until 3pm all alchaholic beverages are half off....thats right half off. thank you for shopping wallmart"  i don't think iv ever seen people move so fast..My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself... anyway.. i think what you guys are doings is awesome. keep up the good work..

Cool great to have you here and all that crap but about "what you guys are doing is awesome" do you really mean that?? What are we doing then??


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #26 on: October 23, 2006, 07:57:25 AM »
all i meant was the PLA radio and the pranks. its cool. thats all

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #27 on: October 23, 2006, 09:02:05 AM »
By the way, everyone, I did some modding to the PLA Theme again.  Now it displays a message just to the "newbs" encouraging them to read the rules and then introduce themselves.  So it's more likely most of them will see the rules and post an introduction now, instead of immediately getting themselves into trouble.  That's why there's suddenly a lot of introductions in here.

Welcome to the PLA Forums, new people!


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #28 on: October 23, 2006, 09:34:02 AM »
Welcome, Dr. Stabb.

Offline Johnny Baggs

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2006, 12:45:29 PM »
Hello fellow pranksters!  I've been to this forum many times and finally got my account activated.  I live in So Cal and enjoy harassing people over the phone.  I've been prank calling for many years with one of my friends.  Our calls can be found at

I found PLA from searching for prank calls on the Internet.  Other than that I work in the IT field and enjoy working out at the gym.  That's enough for now.