My roommates car got broken into by a wandering crackhead somewhere between 2 and 8 am. Nobody in the house saw it taking place, but I was trying to think of the best course of action, had I have witnessed it. Since calling the police in the city of Detroit isn't really an option, as they'll show up four hours after something is happening, I decided a paintball gun might be a better solution. I've thought about purchasing a 'real' gun in the past and getting a concealed weapons permit, but quickly changed my mind after I realized that in one week, I could have potentially killed 9 waitresses, 2 cashiers, and roughly 30 old people. Plus, I'm not so sure that a car being broken into necessitates the use of lethal force. A paintball gun would also make the criminals easily identifiable, so I could also call the police and tell them; "the man who broke into my car is bright orange."
So, does anyone on here go paintballing, and if so, what would you suggest as being lightweight, with little set up time, good cost, and extremely painful upon making contact with human flesh?