Author Topic: Apple products are cool  (Read 7377 times)

Offline ApprenticePhreak

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Re: Apple products are cool
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2011, 05:38:40 PM »
Everyone by now knows that Steve Jobs is dead. And I celebrated. I honestly celebrated the death of the man. Made myself a good dinner, watched Fifth Element, and slept good that night. Though I of course presented great fanfare on other forums I frequent and more or less digitally slapped many a person in the face on facebook who mourned his death calling him an artist and a hero of the underground.

No. He's not a hero of the underground. At best he created a hipster market. It's documented in several books within first hand experiences of Apple during the early days of how much a tyrannical monster he was. Sure. It's big business. It's what big business does. Further more, Steve Jobs wouldn't have two shoes to slip on his dead feet if it weren't for all the hard work that Wozniak put into that company with Jobs riding his coattails proclaiming all of the feats of conquest were of his own doing. Or magazines who would show great support for Steve, but never once give credit to his staff that had to work under hellish stress.

And then I could go on how Apple didn't actually create anything new. They re-worked the BlackBerry and called it an iPhone. They re-skinned the MP3 Player and called it an iPod, they DRM'd the living hell out of your music through their ingenious application of iTunes. Do you know how impossible it is to move music from one system, to another, that has simply been re-installed? Being that I've never used the iTunes system to purchase a single point of music my entire life, I'm not entirely sure how it works. Only that you can't copy the files from one system to another without breaking the laws of physics.

Regardless of all of this, the machines produced run on a modified (or uses quite a good chunk of) FreeBSD. So not only are all of these idiots who clamor around OSX paying for a free OS, but as stated before, they're over paying for machines that are declared 'apples' that have half the power of a fully functional and completely customizable from the hardware up 'PC'. Apples are fucking PCs. IT'S A COMPUTER. A PERSONAL COMPUTER. This falls in the same line of people who when you say "Hey man, nice pair of new shoes," and they respond with a quick, "No, these aren't shoes; they're Nike's" as if the product is some how completely and totally different from a less expensive version.

Fuck you, Steve Jobs. I'm quite glad he got the computer game up and running and produced a lot of heated competition, but he was no hero nor was he a real artist, and he was far and beyond 'for the underground' as I'm often told he is.

Rest in piece you needle necked pile of shit. Now I wait calmly for Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer to kick it.

Offline bestialbub

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Re: Apple products are cool
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2011, 05:23:49 PM »
agree with, or am impartial to most the above rant with the exception of the use of the term "pc".

the use of the term "pc" has evolved over the years, but in my experience originally signified original IBM branded PC's, as i believe that was the model or series name of the personal computers that they produced.

later on when folks came out with "clones", or "ibm compatible "pc's", some folks would differentiate ibm "pc's" from custom built computers by calling the ibm branded pc's PC's exclusively, and the custom/knockoffs 'clones'.

later on folks started to refer to any "ibm compatible pc" or pc that could run msdos/windows(x86), they would refer to all ibm and non ibm'c as "pc's".

apple's/imac's were intentionally not refered to as "pc's" for compatibility reasons.  if you were to suggest that they were both the same (in this case sharing the categorical reference of "pc"), you might incorrectly infer that the 2 would be compatible, which is almost never the case, both in terms of hardware connectivity or software capability.

that's my rant about pc's.  its a hardware categorical reference that dates back to "PC" being coined as a household term by a 8088/x86 hardware manufacturer running almost exclusively msdos/windows software.

..not a apple manufacturer running their own proprietary (6502) processors and their own os.  aimed at the same market, but didn't make the same headway in bringing personal computing to the masses.

thats why most folks are on pc's (x86 varient), and not apples.  they're not pc's.  ;)

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Re: Apple products are cool
« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2011, 08:45:14 AM »
But modern Macs are PCs. Apple computers now use the same standard x86 architecture that Windows-compatible computers use.
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Offline bestialbub

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Re: Apple products are cool
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2011, 10:44:21 AM »
@godot; good point.

still doesn't actually make a mac run 'pc' hardware or software out of the box, without third party software emulation or mac suppported hardware.

while cross compatibility of hardware and software is possible today, it still can require alot of help and manufactures/developers that are mac as well as pc friendly.

i wouldn't want to wade thru a "pc" section in a store that had "mac" and "ibm pc compatible" items mixed up side by side, cause they're still not categorically the same.

a "pc" is an "ibm-pc", folks are just too lazy to say ibm or ibm compatible.

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Re: Apple products are cool
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2011, 01:38:04 PM »
I saw this the other day on slashdot, and ApprenticePhreak's rant reminded me of it, or vice versa maybe.  I can't be bothered to remember trivial things like the chronological order of life.

"I'm going to destroy Android, because it's a stolen product. I'm willing to go thermonuclear war on this." ... In a subsequent meeting with Schmidt at a Palo Alto, Calif., cafe, Jobs told Schmidt that he wasn't interested in settling the lawsuit, the book says. "I don't want your money. If you offer me $5 billion, I won't want it. I've got plenty of money. I want you to stop using our ideas in Android, that's all I want."

If, you know, you want more reasons to hate the guy or whatever, there you go.
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