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Call Forwarding with your PC

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I have this idea. I want to put the modem back in my PC and have it set up to answer the analog line, dial out voip to my cell phone, and connect the call, with as little break or pause as possible. Basically call forwarding but so that no one knows it's call forwarding and so that the option doesn't show up on my phone bill.

I'm thinking that maybe I can setup Asterisk to do this, but I've never used it to control an analog line before and I'm not sure if there is a better option out there for what I am wanting. Any ideas?

you just need a linksys  spa3102

you connect your analog dial tone to the 'LINE' jack...

when someone calls the POTS line it will ring - then you can set up the SIP side of the 3102 to hotdial whatever number you want when it notices ringing on the POTS line connected to the LINE side of the device

the 3102 looks like a pap2 or 2102, but neither of those will work for what you want to do... you need the 3102

That is perfect! Thank you. I'm glad I asked... $70 is a lot cheaper than all the time and effort of setting up asterisk again (which I prolly will eventually anyways to save on future spoofcards) I only hope that there is no audible click or delay that would clue the caller into the fact that the number is being routed and redialing.

Was reading thru the config documentation and my eyes are going crossed after hours of reading thru old PLA posts, but this looks perfect. All that remains is implementation. :)

there is no indication to the caller, in fact your phones connected to that line will still ring at the same time that the VoIP line is calling out and ringing whatever phone you have it hotdialing to... so you could either answer on your home phone, or the phone that it is hotdialing..

Awesome... I just put the order thru buy.com :)

*EDIT* I also have to get my list together of the conference lines and some of the direct dials to "All Circuits are Busy" etc recordings... Hrmmmm...


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