Author Topic: Secret Backdoor Telephone Numbers  (Read 3960 times)

Offline MIB

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Secret Backdoor Telephone Numbers
« on: January 30, 2013, 05:23:56 PM »
No no I'm not talking about those type of numbers that you call and 30 minutes later you have some dude coming to your house for a good time. :nonsense: :nonsense:

These are various number for corporations that allows you to bypass customer service reps and go for the big guns who can (probably) get shit done.

Not sure if this is useful in anyway.

Secret Phone Numbers

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Offline Deano252

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Re: Secret Backdoor Telephone Numbers
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2013, 04:31:03 AM »
Nice list.

Just too bad They didn't have a number for Verizon. I'm always having to call them up for one thing or another. It usually takes me a good 5 minutes just to go through their automation system.

mashing the 0 button used to work but now if you just don't say anything it will connect you to a rep after the automation repeats the "I'm sorry I didn't get that please try again" message 5 times.

This process still takes about 5 minutes,

Proof once again that automation systems were created by satin.
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Re: Secret Backdoor Telephone Numbers
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2013, 01:07:35 PM »
I used to have a bunch of backdoor numbers for Verizon that I would share here, but they're all gone now.  Every time a rep. would get suspicious of me asking questions about an account, they would call me back and their direct line would show up on my caller ID.  I had about 10 different numbers from 3 different call centers.  They were awesome, because when I called on them, they couldn't get my phone number.  But one day, about 2 years ago, they just all stopped working.  No idea why.  I cried for days.