im on the beach near the wmart w/ the 4444 intercom ext, but we had another wmart reopen in town. i'm hesitant to get on the intercom at the nearby beach location from inside the stopre cuz i cant afford to be kicked out atm: am filling my xanax (& other good meds) there & have a good system for racking items i need/want.
HOWEVER, i called the newly reopened wmart in town & was patched thru to "ext 4444" only to hear quick clicks & was put back on hold- I (Stupidly) didnt verify that the intercom ext's were the same at both locations

So it would seem that either it was (hopefully) the wrong extension for the reopened location's intercom OR calling the intercom ext from outside the store simply loops you around back to 'hold' (...hopefully not the latter!)