I came upon a site for voice talent a couple days ago. And I noticed that it was really easy to submit work to voice artists. All I had to do was submit my request and it went out to hundreds of people who do professional voiceover work. I didn't know they'd send me free samples, though! I submitted a rather generic script for a fake company's voice menu system, but I made the company name Cactus Enterprises. I got nearly 200 replies, most of them with attached mp3 samples. Here are the results:
Cactus EnterprisesSo after giggling uncontrollably over making over 100 people say the word "cactus" I decided to try it again. Only this time my script said, "Thank you for calling Phone Losers of America! Home of PLA Radio and Cactus Solutions."
Unfortunately the bastards at the voice talent website edited out most of that intro so none of them said Phone Losers. BUT a few were intuitive enough to notice that my company name was PLA Inc. so they added that in themselves. Here are the results...
PLA Inc.The good part is that most of them read all the names that I stuck in there. You should listen to them all because there are some funny readings in there. The samples are still coming in for this one but I think I'm going to turn off the ad tonight.
Maybe I've found the next PLA Radio cohost...