I'm trying to get the guide to look up
this story.
Search terms: bangbros kacey thanksgiving dinner
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: ShawnaB
ShawnaB: Welcome to ChaCha!
Status: Session ended.
My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.! ShawnaB took one look at the search terms and bailed on me!>
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: MargaretM
MargaretM: Welcome to ChaCha!
You: Hi
MargaretM: hello
You: I am looking for a story on the internet
MargaretM: what can i help you find tonight
MargaretM: okay
MargaretM: what story?
You: it's about a guy who met his long lost sister at thanksgiving dinner
You: her name is kacey
MargaretM: do you know the title or the author?
You: no, but it was reported in a message board forum
MargaretM: it is a short story?
You: his dad told him before thanksgiving dinner that his sister would be there, and he had never met her before
You: they had been separated when he was a baby
You: it's a true story
MargaretM: okay
MargaretM: i think i can find this
MargaretM: i see some info in my initial search
MargaretM: I appreciate your patience while I find exactly what you need.
You: my friend told me about it, but I don't know what internet page it is on
<a few minutes pass...>
MargaretM: is the story written by tony early by any chance?
You: I don't think so.
You: this is not a story by a professional author
You: at least I dont think it is
MargaretM: okay
You: not the way it was described to me
MargaretM: let me see what i can find
You: have you found anything?
MargaretM: Thanks for being patient! Rest assured I'm finding the most relevant results for your search.
<several more minutes pass>
You: Margaret? Are you reading the story?
MargaretM: no - i am looking for it
You: Well, I think it's pretty recent
You: so how is this job?
You: you have to be good at computers?
MargaretM: yes
MargaretM: i like it
MargaretM: this is a tough one though
You: how's the pay?
MargaretM: i love a good search
MargaretM: not great
You: yeah me too
MargaretM: it is extra pocket money for me
You: they say it's not the catch, but the thrill of the chase that is the best part
<more time passes... I think she's hip to the fact that this is a raunchy story, and she's not even bothering to really look, but just wasting time to fill her 10 minutes...>
You: so is this Chacha a good search engine or what?
MargaretM: i am sorry
MargaretM: i am not finding it
You: eh?
MargaretM: would you like me to transfer you to another guide?
You: maybe try Google or something
You: ok sure
MargaretM: Thank you for using ChaCha!
Status: Session ended.
BTW, a search on Google brought up the page IMMEDIATELY, the first 3 results are all it!
OK Here's another try at getting them to link the same story. I got banned once for trying this, but apparently the bans only last a half-hour or so.
Search terms: Kacey Thanksgiving Dinner sister
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: MaryR
MaryR: Welcome to ChaCha!
You: Hi Mary
MaryR: Good evening.
You: am looking for a story
MaryR: All right.
You: my co-worker told me about it
You: it's about a guy who goes to thanksgiving dinner and finds out he has a long-lost half-sister
MaryR: Yes?
You: it's on a
You: message board?
You: what is a message board?
MaryR: It's where members write messages to each other.
You: oh ok
MaryR: Why don't you ask your co-worker what message board it is and go to it to read the story?
You: I'm not at work any more
MaryR: I wouldn't have any idea what message board it is.
You: I'm at home
You: well can you find the story?
MaryR: I don't know. I can look. Please wait.
You: ok
You: is this a good job?
MaryR: I like it.
You: i bet you have to be good with compuers
You: I'm terrible with computers
MaryR: I've been using computers for years.
You: I don't know a gagabit from a fractional t
You: it's all gobbledygook to m,e
MaryR: Then you're out of luck.
You: why do they have to be so complicated
You: my friend is good with them and he helps me out
You: where is this cha cha located?
You: are you in Kentucky?
MaryR: All the guides work out of their homes.
You: that sounds nice
You: have you ever been to Lexington?
MaryR: No, I haven't
You: You should come visit some time
You: It's wonderful. The people are so nice and the shoppiing is to die for
You: where are you from?
MaryR: I found the story, but it is restricted.
You: restricted how?
MaryR: To adults.
You: well I'm 57 years old, I think I'm adult enough
MaryR: But I have no way of actually knowing you are that old.
You: ok well ask me something that only somebody my age would know
You: my husband fought in the battle of Hue in Vietnam. He just turned 60 this august
You: I used to work for Sears Roebuck until they closed down the store here in Lexington KY
MaryR: That's interesting.
MaryR: I can't give you the results because we have rules against linking to pornographic content
You: Pornographic?
MaryR: Yes.
You: Oh, that Marco!
You: He's such a kidder! That's just like him to send me off looking for something like that
You: I keep telling him that he can get in trouble
You: Our employer has rules against that kind of thing
MaryR: Most employers do.
You: Yes, but I don't want to get him fired because that would end our hot office romance!
MaryR: Is there anything else I can help you find this evening?
You: That Marco sure has a big one. He always fills me up just right!
MaryR: Thank you for using ChaCha!
Status: Session ended.