Saturday, 11-2-2002: Went to a holloween party at Kristine’s with EvilCal and the kids. After that we took the kids to Sheila’s to spend the night. We ended up going out to some bar in Westport with Jennifer. I drank a lot and drove home since I was apparently the most sober.
Sunday, 11-3-2002: Me and Herman went to see I Spy in Edwardsville. After that we snuck into Jackass and watched the last half of that. Decided to finish the
Elephant & Bird show video so we got some supplies at Wal-mart and worked on setting things up until about midnight. Then I wimped out and went to bed.
Monday, 11-4-2002: Worked for a few hours, then finished up our E&B video stuff. Went to downtown Alton to get some outside pay phone footage. Then ate at some crappy taco bar by the pay phones we filmed.
Tuesday, 11-5-2002: Took Herman to the airport so he can fly home. We ate at some bar-b-que place first, then I dropped him off.
Wednesday, 11-6-2002: Amy took me to eat at Applebee’s. Then we came home and watched Groundhog Day.
Friday, 11-8-2002: Had Sheila’s kids all day while she helped her sister Jennifer move. Around 3pm we swapped, she took my kids for the rest of the day while I helped Jennifer move furniture. Got home around 10:30pm.
Saturday, 11-9-2002: Took the kids to the donut shop for breakfast. Then we went to Walgreens to buy flashlights and explored the caves by the Piasa Bird. Didn’t do a whole lot of exploring, just mainly went into the main cavern and looked around, then hiked up a trail along side of another entrance. Got a little work done on my deck today. Went to Best Buy at night to get a new 120 gig hard drive since my 40 gig died last week during E&B editing.
The pictures below only show the well lit areas since my camera doesn’t have a flash on it:

Sunday, 11-10-2002: Took Emily and Payton to see Pokemon at Eastgate.
Monday, 11-11-2002: Today’s a holiday so I couldn’t work very good. Sheila called and me and her ended up taking all of our kids to the St. Louis science center. Stayed there from about noon until 4pm. When I got back to my car that I’d left at Hit N Run, noticed I had a flat tire. That sucked.
Some kind of optical illusion room. The kids kept sliding down the floor |
Shelia, who’s a nurse, noticed that the settings were wrong on some kind of MRI machine so she lifted the glass and fixed it for them. |
Tuesday, 11-12-2002: Took my tire to Rob’s to be patched. Then spent over 2 hours sitting in the DMV waiting to renew my expired driver’s license. I did not have a productive day.
Friday, 11-15-2002: Quit work early to take the kids to see the new Harry Potter movie.
Friday, 11-22-2002: Went to Applebee’s with Linda, then to her house to watch Star Trek. STAR TREK. I don’t like Star Trek, never have.
Sunday, 11-24-2002: Worked on the deck & played outside with the kids. Took Emily and Payton to Burger King for lunch, stopped by my parents for a little while.
Wednesday, 11-27-2002: My brother went with me to find some mini RC cars for the kids’ Christmas. Finally found some at KB Toys.
Thursday, 11-28-2002: Hung out at my parents all day for Thanksgiving.
Saturday, 11-30-2002: My brother came over and hung out pretty much all day. Had pizza with him and the kids, played a lot of Dragon’s Lair on Xbox. Later I went to see Solaris with Linda at Eastgate which sucked. Then hung around my house for awhile which didn’t suck so bad.