Hey dudes.
Some of you know this some of you don't care but I'll post this up anyway. Circa two years ago I finished my first "real" job. This was, as some of you know, doing radio and telephone stuff for the Army. I saw Iraq, Germany and that crap hole El Paso. It was good run but I figured I'd do better in a scholastic setting, especially one that the government would now pay for.
I did a few semesters at a slow-ass pace trying to get my head in the game and remember all the stuff I forgot how to do in the previous 4 years. I met a nice girl and was thinking about switching directions in school when BAM, I get a letter.
It basicly said "remember that bit in your contract that was 4 years in 4 years out and we promise to only call you back in for World War 3? Guess what, GLOBAL War on Terrorism. Come on back in you cake eating bitch."
Now the day before this me and the rather serious girlfriend went ring browsing. This quickly changed to ring shopping. Now after being "trained" (and I use the term loosely) for about 75 days I'm heading back for round two tomorrow.
I hate Iraq.