Author Topic: What's the worst you can get away with in high school these days?  (Read 6405 times)

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From reading the news, it sure seems like pretty much anything in high school can get you arrested, suspended or expelled now.  So tell me...what's the worse thing you've gotten away with?  Or you've seen someone else get away with?  And what's the lamest thing you've been in serious trouble for?

When I was in high school, in the early 90's, it seems I mostly just got a lot of "Hey, cut that out!"  I got Saturday detentions a lot and was only suspended once.  Skipping class would usually just get me yelled at.  Fighting wouldn't get you suspended unless there were serious injuries involved.  B&E into the locked rooms never got me into trouble, even though I was caught at it several times.  If I was in an off-limits area and a teacher saw me, I could run away and that would probably be the end of it.

I've been out of the joint for 15 years now.  What's it like in the Big House these days?

Offline ChrisMek

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Re: What's the worst you can get away with in high school these days?
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2007, 09:54:56 AM »
When I was in High school, I graduated in 1988 (saying that makes me feel really old), we got away with a lot...

I'd been caught red-handed smoking in the bathroom and managed to get away scott-free without even going to the principals office...

There was this one time, we were all smoking outside of the building. the teachers decided to try and ambush us from 3 directions to catch us but one of them was lagging a littlle. so wehn we all saw the 2 teachers coming from 2 directions we all ran in the third direction and knocked down the teacher that was lagging. she never could ID anyof us and we all stuck together and nobody got in any trouble... I think the teacher ended up with a sprained wrist or ankle  or something...

Smoking in school was the biggest thing that people got into trouble for. In wood shop class, we used to make Pipes for all the Pot heads and was never questioned by the teacher.

Many times i would end up in the computer lab trying to hack into something, anything but to no avail. I could get away with it becasue the computer lab was run by my electronics teacher and i was the head of the electronics club. Kind of theat teacher's pet...

there were so many things we got away with it's hard to list them all


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Re: What's the worst you can get away with in high school these days?
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2007, 11:35:01 AM »
Well some friends and I broke into the IT classroom ( With a nice little Mailorder pick set ) and stole Ram sticks from the computer. :D But in the summer , We used to break in To school after dark and sit on the roof smoking illicit substances . ( I stopped that , I'm Responsible now =)  )

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Re: What's the worst you can get away with in high school these days?
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2007, 12:07:04 PM »
The "hands-off" policy changed very dramatically within a couple years in the late 90s, at least here. In elementary school, we played extremely violent soccer, so violent that it was more "beat up the guy with the ball." That was cool. There were broken this's and that's.
Two years later, in middle school, I got suspended because a teacher saw me shaking the shoulder of a guy in the hallway. It was a friend of mine who had arrived late for school, I jogged up to meet him, gave him a little shake and said, Hey. You know, that little shoulder clamp that most people on the street expect? The teacher calls my parents and says he witnessed me punching him in the stomach.

I have known people suspended for kicking a pen down an empty set of stairs or swearing at lunch break. I was threatened with expulsion a while ago when I said "retarded" in reference to how teachers treated normal students who did bad in a course and so got filtered into the "special education" curriculum. Apparently when a 16 year old fails a math test, asking them how to spell words like "cat" and "bat" no longer qualifies as treating them like retards. If not as a matter of verity but of vocabulary, I still think saying retarded instead of special needs does not merit expulsion or the threat thereof.

However, if you are routinely bad, they will give you good marks, let you go to the gymnasium as you please, and not suspend you if you do something bad again. God bless America.
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Re: What's the worst you can get away with in high school these days?
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2007, 12:39:21 PM »
Hmmm. As a current Middle school-er I can say that middle school sucks balls more than ever. Although me and my friend ripped a few kids binders to shreads with a razor (don't ask, I regret it now) and the principal never even found out. I got a call home and my friend who did the majority of it didn't even get a call home.
Raptor and I ran Phlak on a school computer right in front of the teacher. She was so stupid she didn't even notice.
Fights rountinely happen and often go by unnoticed or uncared about.
My friends and I usually mess up our general area up at lunch and fight each other (in jest) during lunch, too.

The only thing I've ever been really punished for was idiotic. I accidently went into our gym's locker room early so my fat-ass gym teacher gave me a detention. Gym sucks more the ever now. Physical activity is a big no-no usually.

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Re: What's the worst you can get away with in high school these days?
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2007, 12:55:10 PM »
I would skip classes often, with no real response from anyone. I once got into a fight with a friend of mine and we both just got 2 day suspensions. Other than that, I've been caught smoking on school grounds, I told the security guard a fake name, when I was taken to the office, they finally found out who I was and suspended me for 3 days. Luckily for them I dropped out of school the next day. Ha ha, so much for the system.

Offline enzo94

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Re: What's the worst you can get away with in high school these days?
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2007, 03:10:36 PM »
I am in High school and the worst I got away with was krazy glueing down 4 quarters around the school. I  Later tried writing "Tomorrow is the day" on a sheet of paper and dropped it in the hall and I got arrested. I told the cops it ment it was the day I got a PSP but they told me the school was pressing charges and they had to arrest me anyway. Eventhough It didn't have school, bomb, or blow up written on the paper the school still won the case. >:(
And thats why I went into haxoring. ;D
« Last Edit: February 09, 2007, 03:16:04 PM by enzo94 »
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Re: What's the worst you can get away with in high school these days?
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2007, 03:56:58 PM »
the quarter trick sounds really good.

I like to photocopy one side of a dollar, and scotch tape it to a very hard to reach place (the ceiling or over  the staircase) and watch people jump for it, tearing it down and looking on the other side that reads "You're an idiot!"

I don't see how they could arrest you just for the "tomorrow is the day." You should have pressed charges.
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Re: What's the worst you can get away with in high school these days?
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2007, 04:10:59 PM »
Anything resembling violence at all can get you suspended now.
On the flipside you pretty much have to kill a teacher or something to get expelled.

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Re: What's the worst you can get away with in high school these days?
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2007, 05:08:51 PM »
I graduated in '92
Even back then, if you got into a fight it was an automatic expulsion.

I got a 60 minute detention for starting a small fire by jamming a paperclip into the electrical outlet of a portable classroom.
I got a 60 minute detention for catching birds with treble hooks tied to trees or cans with fishing line.
I got a saturday for being in a foodfight.
I got a saturday for ditching track for 30 consecutive days (still passed with a 'C')

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Re: What's the worst you can get away with in high school these days?
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2007, 05:35:38 PM »
I graduated in 98 and probably the worst thing I got away with was getting completely wasted in school.

I was representing the Spanish Honor Society (yes, the Spanish Honor Society) and trying to raise money via bake sale.  I took care of selling the drinks.  Anyhow, my friend showed up with some Puerto Rican rum and bought me a cup of soda and put a ton of it in.  I progressively got more wasted and then ended up going to my next class... Chorus.  Thankfully I sat next to my friends who didn't care that much, but I reeked of drunk and ended up lip synching so I didn't go off key.  *cheers*

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Re: What's the worst you can get away with in high school these days?
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2007, 06:33:10 PM »
I think it really just matters what teacher sees you do something. Some teachers will go to extremes even if you do the smallest of things wrong, while some will just turn a blind eye to it or just let it slip.
We're not supposed to leave school grounds at all as long as we're signed into school, but of course that doesn't stop anybody. In auto our teacher doesn't really care if we leave and go get lunch (theres a lunch truck that parks right near the school because its kind of in the middle of an industrial park) because school food sucks and is over priced for quality and quantity you get of anything. Sometimes you'll run into a couple teachers at the lunch truck, but generally those are the teachers that don't care. Even ran into one of the cops that are stationed at our school (we have two) at the lunch truck, he just said to go back to school after we got our food. This is part of the reason why auto is best class you can get... you can pretty much do and say anything you want as long as you don't push it too much and tick off the teacher.

Some teachers don't even write it up if you cut... they might either just give you a zero for the day's work that you missed or just not even realize you cut or not even care.

I've only had like one detention in high school so far (which was for having a certain amount of latenesses...) and no internal/external suspensions, so I guess you could say I'm generally a good kid... and that also helps to get away with things and get out of things.

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Re: What's the worst you can get away with in high school these days?
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2007, 06:42:20 PM »
worst thing i did was se my self in to all ta jobs for a year that was sweet didn't do any thing all year My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.

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Re: What's the worst you can get away with in high school these days?
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2007, 08:25:52 PM »
Anyone else here get paddled?  From 1st to 8th grade, they would bend us over and smack us as hard as they possibly could with a wooden paddle.  I got at least one per year from 1st to 8th.  The number of hits you got depended on how much the teacher hated you.  I think my average was 3 smacks.


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Re: What's the worst you can get away with in high school these days?
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2007, 08:45:18 PM »
Heh, the worst I've gotten away with was starting a magnesium fire in the class room. It was my class right after chemistry and i stole a reel of magnesium ribbon. It burnt a line across the floor. Luckily the teacher didn't see any thing or smell anything however i did get 3rd degree burns because I was holding the end of the ribbon i was lighting it with.