Author Topic: cactus on IRC  (Read 5475 times)

Offline rbcp

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cactus on IRC
« on: April 29, 2007, 12:49:07 PM »
Here's my attempt at making friends in #Quiltz on

*** RBCP [] has joined #quiltz
*** Topic is: Welcome to #Quiltz
*** Topic set by CStar [Sun Apr 29 13:56:42 2007]
*** RBCP @CStar
*** Channel created on Sun Apr  1 22:24:06 2007
<RBCP> cactus?
*** sandyOH [] has joined #Quiltz
*** sandyOH [] has quit [Cats are Purrrrfect furry children. : )]
*** NinePatch [] has joined #quiltz
<NinePatch> hello RBCP
<RBCP> cactus?
<NinePatch> english only
<NinePatch> sorry
<RBCP> cactus is English, retard.  it's a plant
<NinePatch> this is a room for quilters
<NinePatch> and I have my phd so now who's the retard
<RBCP> I have a doctorate in cactus, retard.
<RBCP> cactus?
<NinePatch> excuse me, there is no such degree and as I said this is a room for quilters
<NinePatch> do you know anything about quilting?
<RBCP> I know how to make a quilt in the shape of a cactus in 6.5 seconds.
<RBCP> Can you do that, college boy?  I didn't think so.
*** mode/#Quiltz [+o NinePatch] by CStar
*** RBCP was kicked from #quiltz by NinePatch [being rude]
*** RBCP [] has joined #quiltz
*** Topic is: Welcome to #Quiltz
*** Topic set by CStar [Sun Apr 29 13:56:42 2007]
*** RBCP nanny @NinePatch @CStar
*** Channel created on Sun Apr  1 22:24:06 2007
<RBCP> Hi everyone!
<NinePatch> nanny RBCP is being very rude
<RBCP> whaaa!
<RBCP> you whine too much
<NinePatch> i have kicked him once and may have to kick and bann this time
<RBCP> oh noes!
<RBCP> not that!
<RBCP> cactus?
<NinePatch> RBCP this is a room for quilters
<NinePatch> please leave
<RBCP> fuck you NP
*** mode/#Quiltz [+b *!*] by NinePatch
*** RBCP was kicked from #quiltz by NinePatch [NinePatch]


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Re: cactus on IRC
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2007, 01:04:09 PM »
T3H 1337

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Re: cactus on IRC
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2007, 12:09:18 AM »
you are just tryin to make some friends and that jerk comes along bragging about how smart he is, what a jerk are you ok rbcp??!?!?!?!?! he didn't touch you did he.. if he did can i get the tape i know some people on binrev that would pay good money for that..

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Re: cactus on IRC
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2007, 03:10:18 AM »
T3H Pr0N!!11!!!

Offline AmishGangsta

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Re: cactus on IRC
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2007, 11:36:10 AM »
<NinePatch> and I have my phd so now who's the retard

Hmmmm... Moderating an IRC Channel requires a PhD; you learn something new every day!
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I didn't dial the wrong number, you picked up the wrong phone.

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Re: cactus on IRC
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2007, 12:38:34 PM »
IRC .... where the girls are guys and the guys
are FBI agents.
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Re: cactus on IRC
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2007, 05:17:31 PM »
I had a little chat until I got bored:

*** CGI122 [] has joined #Quiltz
*** Topic is: Welcome to #Quiltz
*** Topic set by CStar [Sun Apr 29 13:51:59 2007]
*** CGI122 SmartyPnts Deeky Poliwogg @CStar
*** Channel created on Sun Apr  1 22:24:06 2007
<SmartyPnts> dh wont eat any seafood at all
<SmartyPnts> hi CGI122
<Deeky> mine barely eats any seafood
<Deeky> is that you jodi?
<CGI122> hello
<SmartyPnts> hi
*** CGI122 is now known as Godot
<Poliwogg> hi cg
<Godot> sup?
<SmartyPnts> supper?
<Godot> nothin. just thinkin bout cacti
<Deeky> why cactus?
<Godot> i dunno
<Godot> i like cactus
<SmartyPnts> to grow?
<Deeky> I only have a few succulants
<Godot> sure, why not?
<SmartyPnts> why now :)
*** jodi [] has joined #quiltz
<SmartyPnts> hi jodi
<jodi> hi there every one
<Deeky> hi jodi
<Godot> hi person named jody. cacti rock.
*** yarrow [yarrow@] has joined #Quiltz
<Deeky> godot are you a quilter? I don't remember seeing your name before.
<SmartyPnts> hi ya yarrow
<yarrow> hi there
<Deeky> Hi yarrow
<Deeky> glad to see you came back yarrow
<jodi> hi yarrow
<yarrow> i'm glad to be here
<Godot> yep, of course. whay do you think i'm here?
<yarrow> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
<Godot> i wonder what cactus tastes like...
<Deeky> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself. ok
<Poliwogg> hi yarrow
<jodi> what are youworking on Godot ?
<yarrow> I'm just a part time quilter but I am interested
<SmartyPnts> i dont think it would be good fried Godot
<Poliwogg> hi jodi
<Deeky> napolitos tastes good... (prickly pear)
<jodi> hi Poliwogg
<yarrow> yes it does
<Godot> i am working on a cactus shaped quilt
<Deeky> its good with chocolate
<Deeky> ah ok
<yarrow> ok great
* Deeky fav is Jade cactus
<SmartyPnts> i know very lil about cacti
<SmartyPnts> lots about quilting tho ;)
<jodi> that is unusual Godot  tell us more about it?
<yarrow> they are easy but only in dry( not humid) country
<Godot> it is green and spikey
<Deeky> will you tie the quilt to keep the spikey look?
<yarrow> your quilt?
<SmartyPnts> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself. arent most cactus
<Godot> i used real cacti spikes
<yarrow> is it for a wall hanging?
<Deeky> are you into art quilts then?
<Godot> no, it's for my bed
<yarrow> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
<SmartyPnts> your going to sleep with real spikes?
<Godot> who said i sleep in my bed?
<yarrow> I think she is fooling us
*** jodi [] has quit [CGI:IRC]
<SmartyPnts> ummm me too yarrow
<yarrow> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
<yarrow> wall hanging I could see
<Godot> you hould talk softer, i heard you
<Deeky> sorry jodi doesn't have a very stable connection.
<yarrow> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
<SmartyPnts> oh bummer Deeky
<SmartyPnts> i hope she makes it back soon
<Deeky> she was probably looking for Ida
<yarrow> i am an artist so I have great imagination
*** jodi [] has joined #quiltz
<SmartyPnts> wb jodi :)
<yarrow> hi jodi
<yarrow> wb
<jodi> ty
<Deeky> wb
<Godot> wbc
<SmartyPnts> so Godot what do you really do'
* Deeky is looking at the national online quilters website.
<Godot> cacti
<Godot> check out my shop:
<yarrow> i did my jewelry today and just look at my quilt pieces
<SmartyPnts> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself. yarrow i did shopping and thats about it
<yarrow> ty i will look at it later
* Deeky needs to find a really old quilter that still has her mind
<yarrow> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
<SmartyPnts> how long have you had the shop Godot?
<Deeky> I am trying to find info on an old frame not made anymore
<yarrow> what does it look like?
<Godot> almost six years
<SmartyPnts> oh the hanging one Deeky?
<SmartyPnts> neat Godot
<Godot> that is in cactus years.
<Deeky> no a handquilting floor frame
<yarrow> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
<Deeky> the company name is Gibbs
<yarrow> hm I will keep an eye out for it
<Deeky> its 1970's or older... but I wonder if they were a part of Willcox & Gibbs
<Deeky> i just know my metal cog is stamped Gibbs
<SmartyPnts> nc Deeky sorry
<yarrow> I would imaginebecause of the names being alike
<Deeky> i hope it is... because willcox & gibbs is PRE- Singer
<jodi> bye for now
<SmartyPnts> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
<yarrow> bye
<Poliwogg> cya
<SmartyPnts> hug jodi have a great day :)
<Godot> cya cactus!
<Deeky> which might have made the frame belong to my great grandmother
<yarrow> ok
<SmartyPnts> neat Deeky
*** jodi [] has quit [CGI:IRC (EOF)]
<yarrow> i am not aware of the type used by my gm
<Godot> it is not cactus-type is it?
<SmartyPnts> i cant believe it but i have a friend calling to go out at midnight.. hahaha
<yarrow> and I had a big one  for a time
<SmartyPnts> its a full moon right?
<Poliwogg> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
<yarrow> yep
<Poliwogg> wow what's open at midnight?
<SmartyPnts> geesh i am in for it :)
<yarrow> on a monday
<yarrow> ?
<SmartyPnts> local bar and grill
<SmartyPnts> has pool tables :)
<Godot> CACTUS
<yarrow> they will be quiet
<SmartyPnts> oh no yarrow
<SmartyPnts> its their busiest night
<yarrow> oh really?
<SmartyPnts> except when they have bands on sat's
<yarrow> my bar isn't...My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
<SmartyPnts> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
*** Disconnected from IRC (click to reconnect)
"I bought a cactus and it died a week later... I was really depressed, I thought, 'Damn, I am less nurturing than a desert.'" -Demetri Martin

Offline rbcp

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Re: cactus on IRC
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2007, 07:34:32 PM »
You're much better at making friends in there than I am.  By the way, this channel is run by the same people who used to run #quiltchat on  I think #quiltchat was written about in an old PLA issue.  Or maybe it was Peachy Inc.  I know it was somewhere on the site, though, and people still email me occasionally, telling me about their adventures in that channel.

Offline Reverend Greed

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Re: cactus on IRC
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2007, 09:28:34 PM »
I found this:  but it seems there's some dead links.
Reboot America

Offline murd0c

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Re: cactus on IRC
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2007, 09:54:51 PM »
I must have been drunk:

Session Start: Mon Feb 19 18:15:24 2007
Session Ident: #QuiltChat
* Logging #QuiltChat to 'logs\#QuiltChat.Ascends.log'
<bee-OP> hi Zapp
<maplestar> hi Zapp, l know we have not met,, nice to meet you
<sheilaIN> a whole bolt of one fabric Lorraine
<bee-OP> I don't believe we have met before Zapp
<sheilaIN> hi Zapp
<Zapp> does anyone need any cactuses? I run
<Zapp> and we like cactus
<Lorraine> yes sheilaIN, it was texas wildflowers, michael miller
<Chutem> Not I, Zapp...
<Zapp> PLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactus
<Zapp> PLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactus
<Zapp> PLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactus
<Zapp> PLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactus
<Zapp> PLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactus
<Zapp> PLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactus
<Lorraine> dont really care much for you eith ty Zapp
<sheilaIN> so how do you plan to use the whole bold
<sheilaIN> bolt
<Zapp> PLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactusPLA r0y cactus
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Lorraine
<Chutem> Oh cute....kick the bugger, bee-OP..
<Zapp> PLA
<Zapp> PLA
* Lorraine sets mode: +b *!*murd0c@*
* You were kicked by Lorraine (You are under the mistaken impression that someone actually cares...)
Session Close: Mon Feb 19 18:16:16 2007

Offline murd0c

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Re: cactus on IRC
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2007, 09:57:16 PM »
And I'm in Quiltchat now, its 2am and no one is there. :( I guess everyone hates them now.

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Re: cactus on IRC
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2007, 02:52:50 PM »
Code: [Select]
*** Cactaceae [] has joined #quiltz
*** Topic is: Welcome to #Quiltz
*** Topic set by CStar [Thu May  3 14:17:18 2007]
*** Cactaceae Itsy Poli-brb @CStar
*** Channel created on Sun Apr  1 22:24:06 2007
<Cactaceae> cactus!
<Cactaceae> cactus?
*** nanny [] has joined #quiltz
*** Poli-brb is now known as Poliwogg
<Poliwogg> hiyas
*** nanny [] has quit [Ping timeout for nanny[]]
*** sheilaIN [] has joined #quiltz
<sheilaIN> Hi Cactaceae Poliwogg and Itsy
<Poliwogg> hi sheilaIN
<sheilaIN> how are you today
<Itsy> hi shiela
<sheilaIN> have you seen dimples Poliwogg
<Poliwogg> not since i got here today
<sheilaIN> ok  did you see her last night at all
<Cactaceae> cactus!
<Poliwogg> no i don't think so
<sheilaIN> ok
<Cactaceae> does anyone here like to fuck dogs on quilts?
*** ria4035 [] has joined #quiltz
*** Disconnected from IRC (click to reconnect)

They k-lined me!

Code: [Select]
*** Welcome to CGI:IRC 0.5.9 (2006/06/06)
*** Looking up
*** Connecting to [] port 6663
***  *** <1d 03May07 Itsy> nitwit.
*** Closing Link  Cactaceae[] by Brookville.PA.US.StarLink-IRC.Org (K-lined)
*** Disconnected from IRC (click to reconnect)


Offline murd0c

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Re: cactus on IRC
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2007, 03:33:08 PM »
Code: [Select]
Session Start: Thu May 03 19:28:10 2007
Session Ident: #QuiltChat
* Now talking in #QuiltChat
* Topic is '0,13 <6,13>0,13<6,13>1,13ENG0,13<6,13>0,13<6,13> 1,13Where Quilters Gather Round the Frame 0,13<6,13>0,13<6,13> 1,13Using 0,13<6,13>0,13<6,13> '
* Set by FoxyMoron on Sun Mar 25 07:55:08
<QuiltBot> Welcome to #quiltchat, modeiwx!!
-QuiltBot- For a list of commands, type !help
<jemo> I just put bedding plants in here now
<jemo> hi modeiwx
<dulciquilt>  they were about 12" tall and big around as a pencil
<arniepat> hello modeiwx
<Lucy> hi modeiwx
<dulciquilt>  they are about 30' now
<modeiwx> hello everyone.
<Chutem> Hi, modeiwx...
<modeiwx> I'm passing through to see if anyone wants to buy cactus?
<modeiwx> i have many cacti
<dulciquilt> nope
* Disconnected
Session Close: Thu May 03 19:29:04 2007

Session Start: Thu May 03 19:29:08 2007
Session Ident: #QuiltChat
* Now talking in #QuiltChat
* Topic is '0,13 <6,13>0,13<6,13>1,13ENG0,13<6,13>0,13<6,13> 1,13Where Quilters Gather Round the Frame 0,13<6,13>0,13<6,13> 1,13Using 0,13<6,13>0,13<6,13> '
* Set by FoxyMoron on Sun Mar 25 07:55:08
<modeiwx> FAGS
<modeiwx> FUCK YOU
<QuiltBot> Welcome to #quiltchat, modeiwx!!
-QuiltBot- For a list of commands, type !help
<modeiwx> NIGGERS
* Disconnected
Session Close: Thu May 03 19:29:19 2007

Session Start: Thu May 03 19:29:24 2007
Session Ident: #QuiltChat
* Now talking in #QuiltChat
* Topic is '0,13 <6,13>0,13<6,13>1,13ENG0,13<6,13>0,13<6,13> 1,13Where Quilters Gather Round the Frame 0,13<6,13>0,13<6,13> 1,13Using 0,13<6,13>0,13<6,13> '
* Set by FoxyMoron on Sun Mar 25 07:55:08
<QuiltBot> Welcome to #quiltchat, modeiwx!!
<arniepat> silly bugga
-QuiltBot- For a list of commands, type !help
<Chutem> Kick that one!!
* Disconnected
Session Close: Thu May 03 19:29:37 2007

I got K-Lined! Yay!

Offline AmishGangsta

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Re: cactus on IRC
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2007, 05:36:27 AM »
*** PatrickRoy [] has joined #quiltz
*** Topic is: Welcome to #Quiltz
*** Topic set by CStar [Wed May  2 00:18:30 2007]
*** PatrickRoy Mysi Bambi onequilt @CStar
*** Channel created on Sun Apr  1 22:24:06 2007
<onequilt> hello PatrickRoy
*** mode/#Quiltz [+o onequilt] by CStar
<PatrickRoy> hola!
<PatrickRoy> Not too many quiliters here today, eh?
<Mysi> Hi PatrickRoy!
<onequilt> too early
<Mysi> how are you today?
<PatrickRoy> I am having one fine 100+ degree New Mexico morning!
<Mysi> I've not met you before PatrickRoy, glad to meet you!
<onequilt> wow that's hot
* Mysi says what a fine Celtic name PatrickRoy is!
<PatrickRoy> Roy- pronounced "Wah"
<PatrickRoy> French
<PatrickRoy> ;)
<PatrickRoy> like the fries
*** Bambi is now known as Bambi-away
<PatrickRoy> just not spelled the same
<Mysi> hi Bambi-away!
<PatrickRoy> Does anyone here sell quilts retail?
<Mysi> Oh ok! sounds good to me!
<onequilt> not me
<Mysi> one day I will.. :)
<Mysi> why, whatcha' need PatrickRoy?
<PatrickRoy> oh im just wondering, eh
<PatrickRoy> I sell them through the Cactus Flower Gift Shop of Roy, New Mexico
<Mysi> ah ok! coolies!
<PatrickRoy> Mega cactus coolies!
*** Dimples [] has joined #quiltz
<Mysi> I can show you some quilts I've made! :)
<Mysi> Dimples!
<Mysi> how you doin'?
<onequilt> hiya Dimples
<Dimples> Morning or whaever
<Dimples> I am just waking up waiting for coffee to make
<PatrickRoy> Do your quilts have a theme?
<Dimples> dh had to get welding rod for me my  but just be patient u will get it
<Mysi> yeah I would say they do..
<Mysi> no prob Dimples. :)
<onequilt> why do you need a welding rod Dimples?
<Dimples> PatrickRoy You are a new nick to me  nice to meet u
<PatrickRoy> Its really dry and arid here, so my quilts have a desert theme...
<Dimples> onequilt I don't  mysi does
<PatrickRoy> Mega-cactus thank you, dimples!
*** ria4035 [] has joined #quiltz
<Mysi> Dimples, I even added Cali pics to my folder!
<Mysi> hi ria4035!
<onequilt> hiya ria4035
<Dimples> PatrickRoy r u in AZ
<ria4035> hello all
<onequilt> morning ria4035
<Mysi> hey ria4035, you missed my link, I added Cali pics... wanna see?
<Dimples> Hellol ria4035
<ria4035> sure
<PatrickRoy> New Mexico
<PatrickRoy> Roy, New Mexico
<Dimples> I need gloves it is cold here
<Mysi> I've been to CloudCroft, NM :)
<PatrickRoy> It's 100+ degrees here
<Mysi> and I lived in ElPaso Tx. :)
<PatrickRoy> even the cactii can't get enough water
<Mysi> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself. PatrickRoy
<PatrickRoy> they're turning a nasty shade of green
<Dimples> where in NM
<PatrickRoy> like that pale green in old middle school bathrooms
<Dimples> i loved Rio Dosa
<Mysi> I'll be adding some more pics to it soon
<PatrickRoy> where the urinals go down to the bottom of the floor and they overflow and you get pee on your shoes all the time
<PatrickRoy> not fun
<Mysi> that doesn't sound fun..
<ria4035> very nice
<Mysi> thanks ria4035. :)
<Dimples> Mysi thanks for shaaring
<Mysi> y'welcome! :)
<ria4035> u didnt sleep much
<PatrickRoy> no its not fun
<PatrickRoy> like i said- middle school memories
<Dimples> PatrickRoy r u near Santa Fe
<Mysi> well I forgot that I promised dd's principal if she needed me I'd come in and help today..
<ria4035> oh no
<Mysi> no big deal.. I slept for 4hrs.. I'll be good for a bit. :)
<Dimples> enjoy Mysi 
<ria4035> i got the second border done
<Mysi> whoohoo! got pics??
<onequilt> good ria4035
<ria4035> nope
* Mysi says y'know I'm gonna ask :)
<onequilt> hehehe
<ria4035> not until it's done:)
<Dimples> I'm going in to work/play today
<Mysi> aghhh the horrorrr..the pain! :) heeehee
<onequilt> don't you work in a quilt shop Dimples?
<ria4035> :) evil ria
<PatrickRoy> closer to Amarillo, TX
<Dimples> no not QS   sewing Center  Bernina Dlr
<onequilt> ooh, sound just as fun
<Dimples> yes it is
<PatrickRoy> Santa Fe is about 120 miles away
<Dimples> PatrickRoy  so u know Sunray, Dumas etc
<PatrickRoy> lots of dry fields between here and there
<Mysi> sigh... dag nabit.. got that country song stuck in my head now...
<PatrickRoy> nope
<Dimples> what song
<onequilt> which one?
<Mysi> everytime I see Amarillo..My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
<Mysi> Amarillo by mornin..
<Dimples> yes Mysi I am aware
<onequilt> george strait
<Mysi> ohh soorrryy. ROFLOL
<PatrickRoy> Amarillo has the largest cactus fields in the nation.
<PatrickRoy> its true.
<Mysi> it is
<PatrickRoy> one of my quilts is themed after that.
<Mysi> that's cool PatrickRoy
<Mysi> do you have any pics?
<PatrickRoy> just an unending field of cactii and dust
<Dimples> Hey I love those buns in the wranglers
* Mysi likes quilt shows
<onequilt> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself. Dimples
<Mysi> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself. Dimples!
<PatrickRoy> buns in wranglers?????
<Mysi> cowboy butts!
<PatrickRoy> uh oh, don't go brokeback on us
<PatrickRoy> ;)
<onequilt> george's buns
* Mysi says we are girls.. ROLFOL
<onequilt> My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
* Dimples is an ole lady still love those buns woo hoo
<onequilt> down Dimples, down - breathe
* Mysi says we are *allowed* to look at nice cute cowboy butts.. Yeeehhhaw!
<Dimples> ummmmmmmm ummmmmmmmmmmdeep breath  My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
<onequilt> mr urban has a tight buns
<Mysi> well that's about all I can do.. My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself. can look at the menu.. just can't touch..
<Dimples> PatrickRoy we are not always like this  some days worse  My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
<onequilt> so true but fun
<ria4035> :)
<PatrickRoy> haha that's cool
<PatrickRoy> yes i have some pics
<PatrickRoy> let me see if i can find some good ones
<Dimples> dh is ready for our cuppa c u later
<Mysi> coolies! Wanna share?
<onequilt> hugs Dimples
<Mysi> k Dimples
<Mysi> see ya!
<ria4035> by Dimples
<Dimples> c u
*** Dimples [] has quit [A creative mess is better than tidy idleness]
<PatrickRoy> god, you would think with all these cactus quilts i've sold down here that i would have more pictures
<PatrickRoy> eh?
<PatrickRoy> i'm sorry i keep saying 'eh.'
<Mysi> I can't stay too much longer.. I'll need to get my hair done and shoes on.. and maybe I won't be needed and come home! My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself.
* Mysi says are ya Canadian... eh? ROFLOL
<PatrickRoy> down here on teh canadian river we get alot of things come downstream from Canada...
<ria4035> that would be nice
<PatrickRoy> i think it makes some of us turn canadian
* Mysi says stop playin' w/ the touqe.. hoser.. :) Just teasin'..
<PatrickRoy> it's really weird when we see people start to develop those flip-top heads
<PatrickRoy> oh boy... found some!
<ria4035> i am going to lqs
<Mysi> cool PatrickRoy
<Mysi> Whatcha gonna get ria4035?
<Mysi> I may take the bus to the lqs..
<PatrickRoy> there is some lemon themed quilts i came up with
*** mode/#Quiltz [+o CStar] by CService.StarLink-IRC.Org
*** CStar changed the topic to: Welcome to #Quiltz
<ria4035> looking for canoe country panels
<PatrickRoy> how ya like those buns?
<ria4035> well i best get going talk to u later
<Mysi> that isn't acceptable...
*** ria4035 left #quiltz []
<Mysi> I'll cya later onequilt...
<Mysi> so not cool
*** Mysi left #quiltz []
<PatrickRoy> BAH! quilters have no sense of humor
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Re: cactus on IRC
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2007, 07:23:35 AM »
that isn't acceptable...

I'm gonna have to label goatse.jpg at quilt72.jpg and show it to them.  I can't believe you didn't get kicked.