So im going to ask one of those complicated questions about my internets. So I built my PC a few weeks ago, with an ASUS motherboard, a 500 GB Sata drive, and a 120 GB IDE. I started out with a ripped off version of vista, that worked fine until I realized that it vista sucked terribly and wouldn't run anything. After doing alot of messing around with partitions, I made a new one on the 120 GB drive that I installed XP on. Now you would think that while booting, I would just select the drive priority, and that would determine if I went into vista or not, but no. Somehow, It doesn't detect the SATA drive when Im first starting up. This doesn't allow me to go into vista or xp. It finds the IDE, where xp is installed, and then it says Master Boot Record files are missing yada yada yada. Once this occurs, the PC can be restarted, and it DOES detect the SATA, allowing the boot choice to be made, and all normality restored. My question is- How did necessary XP boot files get onto the SATA drive in the first place, and why cant the motherboard detect it on the first boot?
If your a true haxer you can solve my problems
(btw, It's also somehow configured so my Local disk "C" Does not contain any windows files. instead, it decided to use "G" which it calls "system disk" anyone else ever experience this!?)