I found out about the online game Second Life a long time ago. Basically you build crap and sell it to furries and other sorts of sexual deviants. Anyway, realizing the potential of their building tools, I created a giant butt and made it spray diarrhea all over a reggae singer in an online concert onstage.
Get ready to laugh your ass off.
They couldn't figure out how to throw me out of the building for quite a while. One person tried to shove me off stage but it just looked like he was wedged in the giant butt cheeks, making it even funnier.
UPDATE: A furry responded to a video similar to this with what I think is the funniest Youtube comment ever written:
MadDemon64 (2 weeks ago)
my bad. I meant false cause falacy. It means you have taken one (impossible) cause as the cause for an event without stating why the other possible causes are false. I don't have aids, our family dog is alive and well (we got her years ago), and I never "fucked" her. All this is in your head, and I do believe they have a pill for this. as for the grammer, yours is pitiful, not mine. take the time to proofread yours before submiting it next time