The bike i got was brand spankin new, they guy said he bought it and then realised he wanted a mountain bike instead. it's super light, and i cant even pull off a 180 spin fork glide cos the rear end flies up. heh,
In about a week I'll be picking this little beauty up locally:
omg that r0x so hard, how much was it??
I got a tiny portable TTY phone for 15 including s/h, and a D.A.R.E. shirt for seven. I also got a lot of magnesium ribbon quite cheaply as I recall.
i had a d.a.r.e. shirt when i was a kid, the cops would come to my school all the time, and i never knew why..
Do hookers count?
yee, why not, benny?
My friend just got a Redline for $50 from his brother, so we painted his old shitty, brake-less Diamond back gold with a green seat. It=Pimp
diamondbacks arent that shitty. and having no brakes doesnt really mean much. you gotta take a picture of that though, those colors sound awful together on a bike.