If your lookin to break into the caretakers bedroom/cleaning supply cupboard at your school, then you might want to try probably the easiest way that doesn't work ALL the same uh it works on old basic locks and takes a split second
Party Poppers!
Cut open the pastic shell, scoop out the pretty paper and you've got a babrbie doll tampon thing
cover the big end in some very light glue and dip it in some black powder -making damn sure the powder is in contact with the surface of the big end- and cotton bud cotton until it's big enough to fill up the lock you want to pick,
while your glue dries get yourself a little square of cardboard or cola can aluminium (depending on how much black powder you used) and punch a thin hole in the centre,
thread the string through the hole in your square!
now all you have to do is stick the big end of the barbie tampon inside the lock, hold your cardboard/aluminium square over the keyhole and pull on the fuse.
if you've done it properly the powder should react with the party popper explosive and blow the lock pins in which case... well done, but if you fucked up then the lock could be jammed!!
even if it doesnt blow the pins, the lock PROBABLY won't be jammed. the cotton and paper on the barbie tampon will get burnt to ash, so you can probably scoop out the residue.
It worked for me.