Author Topic: Corporal Punishment  (Read 5950 times)

Offline rbcp

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Corporal Punishment
« on: October 05, 2007, 06:02:31 AM »
When I was in school, they allowed teachers to hit us with a big fucking board.  I was paddled at least once a year up until 8th grade.  I assume they quit doing it in high school because the kids started getting bigger than the teachers.  Anyway, I'm doing a paper on why we should reinstate corporal punishment in our public schools.  I was surprised to find out that 23 states actually still actively beat their students.

What are your thoughts on corporal punishment?  Should it be allowed?  Should the states that still do it be allowed to?  Have you been paddled in school?  Personally I don't care either way, I just figured it would be an interesting topic.  But I don't think I'd care if my kids' school had the authority to spank them.  I know some of those little brats need it.

Offline Zazen

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Re: Corporal Punishment
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2007, 06:36:28 AM »
How did it work for you? Do you think you're a better person because of that paddle?

Offline rbcp

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Re: Corporal Punishment
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2007, 07:35:02 AM »
How did it work for you? Do you think you're a better person because of that paddle?

I think it sort of kept me in line while in school.  Kids feared getting paddled.  I think it made them think twice about being disruptive in class.  I used to get whipped with a leather belt regularly by my dad too though, so I didn't fear the paddle as much as some did.  As far as being a better person today because of it, I don't think it matters to me.  Unless you count that I got more out of school because I was afraid to be disruptive.

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Re: Corporal Punishment
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2007, 08:51:25 AM »
i don't agree with. its bad enough tearchers are having relationships with the students. maybe the teachers should be beat with a paddle? i kno its not exactly what ur talking about but just my opinion.

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Re: Corporal Punishment
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2007, 08:57:33 AM »
School drives me crazy enough without having to worry about getting hit. I honestly don't think that the threat of physical pain would prevent me from being disruptive (it never did years ago when my parents tried it, it just made me  work a lot harder at not getting caught at whatever I was getting it for). On the other hand with all the other things about it that piss me off I'd likely have dropped out years ago if there was one more thing about it that annoyed me. On the other hand, I do see the point about teachers being pretty much powerless to stop anything going on that they don't like, since the majority of the people I know enjoy being suspended because they get a few days off.
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Re: Corporal Punishment
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2007, 09:10:13 AM »
Kids need to be taught that

+ 20 years =

A side rant:

The thing I hated about school is if a bully did something to you, they would never get in trouble even if you brought it to the teacher's/principle/whoever's attention, but if you fought back/retaliated/got revenge, you were surely to get in trouble.


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Re: Corporal Punishment
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2007, 09:28:46 AM »
I think it's a primitive way to deal with things. I think installing the belief that violence can or should be used to demand compliance isn't necessary, and I don't believe it's a teachers role to discipline children, or even touch them.

Even then, how do you draw the line from when it's legal from when it's illegal? What if the teacher is a body builder who can break that board into splinters with a single swing? Do or can you regulate how hard they can swing? Also, what age (which is a shitty way to measure children since they grow and develop so differently), or grade is it no longer appropriate to hit them? What if a student gets held back several times and is much larger than the other students?

Also keep in mind it's not just boys who are disruptive. If you had a daughter how would you feel about a male teacher paddling their ass?

From yet another standpoint, how would it be legally addressed that teachers are allowed to hit children? Does the teacher have to legally justify their whacking some kid to the police? What if you suspect that your child is being abused at school?

I think it's a bad idea.


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Re: Corporal Punishment
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2007, 11:13:58 AM »
At my elementary school the office did the paddling, not the teachers. And they punished spitters by making them sit in the office and spit into a small coffee can until it was full (nobody ever actually filled it).
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Re: Corporal Punishment
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2007, 11:29:36 AM »
At my elementary school the office did the paddling, not the teachers. And they punished spitters by making them sit in the office and spit into a small coffee can until it was full (nobody ever actually filled it).

Spitters?  Like kids that spit on the ground?  Or on other people?  I've never known spitting to be such a problem that they had a specific punishment designed just for it.

Offline Tachyon

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Re: Corporal Punishment
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2007, 12:23:46 PM »
I think that if I went to a school that hit kids I'd either have dropped out (as I mentioned before) or if for some reason I decided to stick it out I'd probably be a lot more dangerous than I am now, like a Spartan or something. I read somewhere that shocking people when they do something you want to discourage actually ingrains it deeper into their brains (sort of a reverse Pavlov trick).
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Re: Corporal Punishment
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2007, 01:12:43 PM »
What about people who are in abusive homes and school is their safe haven, away from abuse and neglect. With society the way it is today I think giving teachers the power to physically harm children would be bad news, besides it would infringe upon the right to be able to raise your children without physical punishment, and even if you could sign a waver to make your child exempt think about those children who aren't exempt, they're going to want to beat that kids ass. So many problems with that... My thought is that if your kid is screwing up either beat his/her ass yourself or send them to reform school.

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Re: Corporal Punishment
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2007, 02:32:58 PM »
I image googled "corporal punishment" to find a funny picture to put here but instead found tons of spanking porn.  Who would have guessed?!
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Offline Zazen

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Re: Corporal Punishment
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2007, 03:16:36 PM »
How did it work for you? Do you think you're a better person because of that paddle?

I think it sort of kept me in line while in school.  Kids feared getting paddled.  I think it made them think twice about being disruptive in class.  I used to get whipped with a leather belt regularly by my dad too though, so I didn't fear the paddle as much as some did.  As far as being a better person today because of it, I don't think it matters to me.  Unless you count that I got more out of school because I was afraid to be disruptive.

If it doesn't have special character building properties or anything then it's just another thing that kids don't like. This one has the drawback of teaching children that hitting is an acceptable way to get in control, so for that reason I think it shouldn't be allowed. There are plenty of things to use as punishment that don't have drawbacks like that.

I got smacked around a little in school, but I was way more afraid of having to sit in a time-out or something. I guess I was hyper.

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Re: Corporal Punishment
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2007, 04:26:33 PM »
The thing is that they can only hit kids now with the parents permission given at the beginning of the year plus they have to ask the parent before they smack the kid.

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Re: Corporal Punishment
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2007, 02:50:55 AM »
Yeah, well in our school system, If a teacher hits you, you have a time of 5 seconds to hit them back. So, they rarely do it.  ;D