Here are a couple local payphones that accept incoming calls. I check literally every pay phone I see, so I'll post more that take incoming calls as I find them. Unfortunately I live in a pretty crappy area so not too many take calls. But these two were found when I was visiting friends. They are outside a grocery store near the smoking area so you might catch employees during the day or local hoodlums hanging around at night.
I called one of these with the Duncan soundboard, and I really angered some black guy
Soundboard (Me):Hello asshole
Victim: Hello? HELLO?
Soundboard (Me): They let you out that nut house again you stupid mother f***er?
Victim: Hey f*** you mother f***er
Soundboard (Me): Aww fuck you you stupid son of a b****
Victim: (Yelling and cussing) Mother f***er come up here and talk that s***, I'll f*** you up
Soundbaord (Me): F*** you, F*** you, F*** YOU (Loud that last time)
Victim: I will f*** yo ass up mother f***er
Soundboard (Me): Can you understand this? F*** YOU.
Here's a link to the soundboard i used ever the victim was, it was priceless.