Sorry. My 21st birthday lasted nearly a week.
The first 5 seconds rocked. I don't like your backbeats very much in the first minute. After the 1' mark, things definately got more interesting, but where's the consistancy?
1'40" - No... not so much. At least, not after what preceeded it.
I'm going to stop giving minute markings because I'm lazy and I have one over-riding theme. You have enough material here for 5, maybe 6 decent songs. I see the idea you're going for with the theme and interlude. Segment one (the first minute) did not work for me. I love harmony in seconds and other dissonances, but I think that your voicing is a little too thick and spastic. You use a wide variety of instruments that don't necessarily work together as they should.
The second segment and the end of the third could each be songs of their own. I love the low, grindy bass and the minimalist drums. It has a very bleak, industrial feel to it.
In my opinion, I would cut the crap out, focus on one or two driving ideas, and making a song out of that. When you have too much going on at once it's going to scare and confuse the listener, especially if it doesn't come back in some substantial way.
Your editing/production skills have improved, though, or at least it sounds like they have. Keep up the... erm... good work.