Author Topic: Scamming Nigerian Scammers  (Read 9426 times)

Offline ataxicwolf

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Scamming Nigerian Scammers
« on: January 08, 2008, 01:27:48 PM »
So you guys know the Nigerian scam emails right? These Nigerian people email you and tell you they have a whole wad of money that they want to give you 20% of because they're parents died or something, and they're just waiting to get your bank account info.

The other day, I got an email from a nigerian  scammer, and I decided to mess with them a little. I'm trying to get their password so that I can send an email to everyone on their address list telling them that this was all a big scam. And also, just for fun, I told her I was the CEO of Hersheys.

Heres a transcript of the emails sent back and forth, and I'm waiting her reply to my last message:


First message (from scammer)

Dearest One,
I am a girl.permit me to inform you of my desire of going into business relationship with you , l got your name and contact through the help of a friend who works in internet here in Abidjan and I prayed over it and selected your name among other names due to its esteeming nature and the recommendation by the director for a reputable and trustworthy person l can do business with and by the recommendation l must not hesitate to confide in you for this simple and sincere business.
l am miss ISABELL CLAUDSON the only daughter of late Mr.Micheal claudson.My father was a very wealthy cocoa merchant in Abidjan here, the economic capital of Ivory Coast, he was poissoned to death by his business associates on one of their outings on business. My mother died on the 20th october 2001 and my father took me so special because l am motherless. Before the death of my father on 24th September 2003 in a private hospital here in Abidjan, he secretly called me on his bedside,when I sat down to listen to him, he started crying, why?

(1) He conplained that I am too young to be managing my life,
(2)That I have not finished my university education as he planned for me,
(3)No body to take care of me again as a young girl, but after much crying, he still passed an instruction to me that he has a sum of US$14.000.000.(FORTEN MILLION UNITED
STATES DOLLARS) left in a security company here in Abidjan, that he used my name as the only daughter as his next of kin in deposit of the funds.
He also explained to me that it was because of this wealth that he was posisoned by his business associates , that l should seek for a GOD fearing foreign partner in a country of my choice where l will transfer this money and use it for proper investment purpose ,that I must finish my university education by the help of a business partner abroad,that he or she should help me obtain a resident permit in his or her country.
He also gave an out standing instruction to the company that the money must be invest outside this country . and it was deposited as an art craft to avoid problem or tamparing by the officers of the company before use, this is to make sure that I did not begin to make use of the money here so that his enemies will not get at me. , I am now ready to do all these since my father my bread winner is no more. l am honourable seeking your assistance in the following ways.
(1) To serve as my gaurdian in your country while I will depend on your expert advise since l am a deaf girl of 23 years.
( 2 ) To make arrangement for me to come over to your country in order to further my university education and to secure a residential permit for me in your country.
Moreover sir, l am willing to offer you 20% of the total sum as Compensation for your effort /input after the successfull transfer of this funds to your account overseas. Furthermore, you can indicate your option towards assisting me as l believed that this project would beconcluded within fourteen.
What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the money is in your account? Please,Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible then I will send you my picture and the details of the transaction.
Best Regards

Second Message (From Me)

Dear Isabell Claudson,

Although my time is very valuable, since I am a wealthy American businessman, I am very willing to help you in your struggle. Please contact me once again by email with the instructions for what you need to access my account. I urgently await your reply in this matter.


Robert B. Horton
CEO Hershey© Chocolates Incorporated

Third Message (From Scammer)

Dear Sir,
  Thanks for responding to my mail and especially for accepting to help me out of my present predicament .I am an orphan and i have no one in this world , which is why i sincerely beg of you to treat me as your sister and special freind .Dont betray me by sitting on the fund when it gets to you .It would have been better if we can see face to face to know each other better . Because of your tight schedule , i dont know if it will be possible for you to make out time out of your tight schedule to visit me here in my country so we can see face to face .If we can see face to face , it will help us to know each other better. It will also enable me to take you to the security company where my late father deposited the trunk box containing the fund. A security company is a company where valuable items are kept for security purpose .When my late father deposited the trunk box with the company , he decleared the content of the box as very important family valuables . The company does not know the real content of the box and on no condition must the real content of the box be reveilved to the company  .My late father used my name as the next of kin and  beneficiary of the deposit.
   After recieving your mail , i went to the company (director of the company ) to inform him about you .I presented you to the company as my late father's foreign business partner and my relocation agent .I also told him that you will  help me relocate to your country along with the deposit under their safe custody  .The director of the company told me to write and submit a letter of authorisation , which authorises the company to deal with you on my behalf .I have written this letter and will submit to the company tomorrow after i must have heard from you again .
   Now i want you to help me retrive the trunk box from the security company .After hearing from you again, i will send you the full contact of the company and the deposit information so that you can contact the company on my behalf .You will tell the director of the company that you want the trunk box delivered to you through diplomatic courrier to your given adress in your country. When the box is delivered to you by the company's agent, you will lodge the money into your account and send me some to enable me process my travelling documents and join you in your country . While in your country , i will like to continue with my education while you supervise the investment .
   Finally , even though i have some ear problem, i want you to send me your telephone number so you can hear my voice .Send me your picture too so i can see who am dealing with . This business will take 14 working days to be concluded and is 100% risk free.I want to  know if you are comfortable with the 20% offer i made to you .Write soon again.
 Yours in need ,

Fourth Message (From Me)

Although I am comfortable with the offer of 20%, I feel there is a small issue at hand. In order to proceed with transaction, we must find a more secure means of communication rather than emailing. The network I am currently using is being monitored by the company I work for, however I believe I have thought of a way to securely send you the information that I need to. In order to do this, I will need to access your email address so that I may upload a small text file which will contain all of the bank account information you will need to process the transaction. Please reply to me with the information needed to access your email account. Until then, I look forward to meeting you and bringing you into this wonderful country Isabell. I have attached a picture of myself, and I ask that you do the same in your next reply so that we may know who we are speaking to. I urgently await your reply in this matter.


Robert B. Horton
CEO Hershey© Chocolates Incorporated

Fifth Message (From Scammer)

 I dont know much about computers and i want to know what you mean by "i will need to access your email address ". what do you mean by access my email adress ? Again, i asked you if you can work out time to pay me a short visit in my country so we can see face to face and i also asked for your telephone number so i can give you a call .Please find attached my photo.write soon again,
 Yours in need ,

Sixth Message (From Me)

Dear Isabell,

To access your email address I will need only your username and password. I know that your username is, so I will only require your password so that I can securely send you my bank account information. I know you may hesitate to give me this information, but it is the only way I can give you my information without being compromised. I will talk with my family about visiting your country, and let you know soon if I will be able to. Before giving you my phone number, let me first have some time to explain this situation with my wife, so that she will not be upset. I have received your attached photo and I think you are a very beautiful young woman. I urgently await your reply so that I may give you the information needed to access my bank account.


Robert B. Horton
CEO Hershey© Chocolates Incorporated

Seventh Message (From Scammer)

 What you demanded of me is like asking me to go naked before the public .My password is the heart of my box , which contains my private intimate informations and am sorry i cant do this .If you want , i can create another email adress and pass to you as demanded .More over , i dont need your account details for this business .All i demand of you is to retrive the deposit (metalic trunk box) from the security company and lodge the fund by yourself into your account .Any way , let me know if you still need to access my email adress for further communication .In this case , i will creat a new email adress .All thesame , thanks for your kindness and hope to hear soonest from you again,

Eighth Message (From Scammer) - This one she sent urgently while I was still at school, My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself..

 Dont you want to help me again ? I have been waiting to hear from you .Please write soon .
- Show quoted text -

Ninth Message (From Me)

Dear Isabell,

I am sorry to have kept you waiting, however I only just now came back from the office where I work. Listen, I am very understanding that you would be hesitant to give me this information, but I assure you, this is the only way that I can allow you to have my bank account information without it being compromised. I am very sorry to say that without me having access to your current email address, I may not be able to help you in your struggles. I hope that you will come to your senses and realize that this is the only way we can proceed. I await your reply soon.


Robert B. Horton
Hershey© Chocolates Incorporated


I just sent that last one, and I'll update the post when I get her reply

Offline Zazen

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Re: Scamming Nigerian Scammers
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 04:27:54 PM »
he secretly called me on his bedside,when I sat down to listen to him...

...since l am a deaf girl of 23 years.

That is pretty pathetic even for a Nigerian scammer.

Offline ataxicwolf

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Re: Scamming Nigerian Scammers
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 04:32:56 PM »

yeah.... pathetic


Offline johnnyhacker

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Re: Scamming Nigerian Scammers
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2008, 11:41:33 PM »
he secretly called me on his bedside,when I sat down to listen to him...

...since l am a deaf girl of 23 years.

That is pretty pathetic even for a Nigerian scammer.

 if you really want to tell these nigerian bastards a thing or two, you can simply press extension 3 on AIDS, and be connected to nigeria. yes AIDS is infecting the world.
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Re: Scamming Nigerian Scammers
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2008, 08:39:25 AM »
My friend got a email from somebody in Ghana or something talking about millions and a sugar plantation, I wonder if it was from the same guys?

I think there is more than one scammer in Africa, and since most of them work on farms, it's pretty plausible that they'd all be using similar themes.

Offline Harlan

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Re: Scamming Nigerian Scammers
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2008, 11:13:48 AM »
I also have been scammed by isabell. At 66 years old I should have known better. However I was only promised 8.5 million in inheritance.

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Re: Scamming Nigerian Scammers
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2008, 05:08:22 PM »
This is a very fun activity and I also frequent a website that does this on massive scales.

Check out the letters archive.  Some of the things they have gotten this jackasses to do is amazing.  My personal favorite is the wood carving of the commodore 64.

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Offline Zazen

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Re: Scamming Nigerian Scammers
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2008, 06:49:43 PM »
My personal favorite is the wood carving of the commodore 64.

That's got nothing on this:


Sorry, I don't have a good concept of NSFW because I don't goof off at work.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2008, 03:25:25 AM by Zazen »

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Re: Scamming Nigerian Scammers
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2008, 06:54:53 PM »
My personal favorite is the wood carving of the commodore 64.

That's got nothing on this:
You should NWS that shit.

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Re: Scamming Nigerian Scammers
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2008, 07:51:58 PM »
My personal favorite is the wood carving of the commodore 64.

That's got nothing on this:
You should NWS that shit.

Why didn't you just do it? You know you can edit his posts right?
I HATE the bridge.
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Offline ravenmaddox

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Re: Scamming Nigerian Scammers
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2008, 06:47:39 AM »
I've carried on with Nigerian scammers before... actually have a couple on my contact list now that want me to do things for them (I made them admit who they were and what they were up to and convinced them I would be better as an accomplice than as a one-time mark... learned quite a bit about their modus operandi)

I almost wish I never had tho because that is what led me to wanting to play around with the micr checks. One of the Nigerians sent me a $600 fake check with the intent of me cashing it quickly and sending him his portion. Well my AC unit had just died and I wasn;t getting paid till the end of the week so I decided to try something. I cashed the check at my bank... bought my new unit... and deposited my payroll check that Friday. The bad check didn't bounce for a week so basically I had made myself a zero interest pay-day loan.

In the spirit of a younger Frank Abignale I unfortunately did not stop there...  :'(
Jesus Fucking Christ! Are you an idiot or just trying to be funny?

--- Quoth the RaVeN --- 2008.12.30 ---

Offline liife

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Re: Scamming Nigerian Scammers
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2008, 10:20:38 AM »
I also have been scammed by isabell. At 66 years old I should have known better. However I was only promised 8.5 million in inheritance.
Holy fuck you're 66 years old?!
It looks like you got hit in the face with that egg and you want to eat it too.

Offline MattGSX

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Re: Scamming Nigerian Scammers
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2008, 10:50:40 AM »
I've carried on with Nigerian scammers before... actually have a couple on my contact list now that want me to do things for them (I made them admit who they were and what they were up to and convinced them I would be better as an accomplice than as a one-time mark... learned quite a bit about their modus operandi)

I almost wish I never had tho because that is what led me to wanting to play around with the micr checks. One of the Nigerians sent me a $600 fake check with the intent of me cashing it quickly and sending him his portion. Well my AC unit had just died and I wasn;t getting paid till the end of the week so I decided to try something. I cashed the check at my bank... bought my new unit... and deposited my payroll check that Friday. The bad check didn't bounce for a week so basically I had made myself a zero interest pay-day loan.

In the spirit of a younger Frank Abignale I unfortunately did not stop there...  :'(

... and that's why you're going to prison.

Offline ravenmaddox

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Re: Scamming Nigerian Scammers
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2008, 12:10:45 PM »
I've carried on with Nigerian scammers before... actually have a couple on my contact list now that want me to do things for them (I made them admit who they were and what they were up to and convinced them I would be better as an accomplice than as a one-time mark... learned quite a bit about their modus operandi)

I almost wish I never had tho because that is what led me to wanting to play around with the micr checks. One of the Nigerians sent me a $600 fake check with the intent of me cashing it quickly and sending him his portion. Well my AC unit had just died and I wasn;t getting paid till the end of the week so I decided to try something. I cashed the check at my bank... bought my new unit... and deposited my payroll check that Friday. The bad check didn't bounce for a week so basically I had made myself a zero interest pay-day loan.

In the spirit of a younger Frank Abignale I unfortunately did not stop there...  :'(

... and that's why you're going to prison.
Ummm... I thought that's what I was saying... Thanks for re-stating the obvious.
Jesus Fucking Christ! Are you an idiot or just trying to be funny?

--- Quoth the RaVeN --- 2008.12.30 ---

Offline Zazen

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Re: Scamming Nigerian Scammers
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2008, 02:47:50 PM »
Yeah, get that out of your system now. Talking back when you hear something dumb or obvious won't fly with guards and inmates.