I just stumbled on this site, maybe this is old news but it surprised me. I put in my jobs website and it gave me an impressive-sounding little demographic report of everyone who visits it: "mostly male, wealthy, blah blah". It also gives a list of websites that appeal to a "similar audience".
But.. what the hell? These are mostly websites that us employees use to do our jobs. Web sites for the web hosting company, the printing company, the payroll processor, the place that takes our backup tapes offsite. No normal user is going to those web sites. It's easy to see by the sites themselves that they're selling products and services to businesses.
The site claims to conglomerate tracking info from many sources but apparently it gives too much weight to the people who are associated with the site and therefore hit it a lot. So for what its worth, it seems like this site can give at least some info about what vendors a company uses for its business, and maybe even what other sites a webmaster is looking at when he's not running the site.
I tried another financial institution that I knew only by name: towerfcu.org . Thanks to quantcast, I know that they probably use the loanliner internet lending suite, pscu's card processing services, and digitalinsights online banking services. It's also likely that they have an employee listening to some station called hotspot 995 when they should really be working.