so ok i I was scanning a list of IP ranges that i found on phrack the other day one of the IP ranges was the NASA ames research center network ( - . well as i was scanning through that range i found one mail server ( with like nine open ports ,one of them being port 80 so i enterd the ip address into my web browser and it brings you to NASA's internal employee data base simply enter a last name into the database search engine and it will give you a list of every employee with that last name click on one of the names and it will give you their office phone number ,fax number,what building they are in ,what office they are in,their email address, and even their employee identification number ! ive been entertaining my self with this all day My own mediocre attempt at humor has been highly amusing to myself. i even called some guy named : Mark F Turner ,phone number :1650-604-3824 in the research and development dept at NASA and told him that my name was agent gnard and im with a certain government agency ,im going to need transcripts of all of your current research data and i don't think i have to tell you that this conversation never happened ... I called a few more people and harassed them foe a while .but the data base is not limited to just the ames research center you can also do agency wide searches so call up the number crunching little space geeks at NASA and have fun