Here's my chat log with JC, the Manic Radio station owner from immediately after The Phone Show.
(10:15:35 PM) brad_the_carter hey JC. can i go offline now and return it back to your auto DJ since nobody is on after me? or would you prefer I do my whole 2 hours?
(10:16:07 PM) jcviolence you can... but in the future the whole two hrs would be good
(10:16:13 PM) jcviolence and.... we need to have a talk
(10:16:39 PM) brad_the_carter yeah i've got company here tonight so leaving a bit early would be cool
(10:17:05 PM) brad_the_carter i forgot to load your dorps into sam4 for this week. i'll get that done tomorrow so i can play them
(10:17:19 PM) jcviolence ok
(10:17:28 PM) jcviolence well i need to talk with you tomorrow
(10:17:36 PM) brad_the_carter okay. i should be around
(10:17:42 PM) jcviolence alright cool
(10:18:02 PM) brad_the_carter i can talk right now if you want to
(10:18:27 PM) jcviolence thats fine
(10:18:52 PM) jcviolence ill wait till ur off air
(10:20:20 PM) brad_the_carter i'm off air now
(10:20:30 PM) brad_the_carter just started up auto DJ with no issues

(10:20:37 PM) brad_the_carter i had problems getting on cause i'm a newb
(10:20:45 PM) jcviolence thats okay
(10:22:04 PM) jcviolence ur friends are about to get themsevles banned
(10:22:12 PM) jcviolence some of em
(10:22:27 PM) brad_the_carter yeah, figured that would be a problem
(10:22:33 PM) brad_the_carter bringing my listeners to chat
(10:23:25 PM) brad_the_carter what are they doing exactly? i had a hard time watching the chat while i was on the air
(10:26:33 PM) jcviolence their insuling mods first off
(10:26:41 PM) brad_the_carter they're
(10:26:52 PM) brad_the_carter whoops sorry. force of habit
(10:26:52 PM) jcviolence ya ya i know man
(10:27:00 PM) jcviolence anyways
(10:27:14 PM) jcviolence their just being rude
(10:27:21 PM) jcviolence im sorr they're
(10:27:25 PM) brad_the_carter to you?
(10:28:26 PM) brad_the_carter well i can stop telling people to go to the chat room during my show. i don't know how else to control it
(10:28:38 PM) brad_the_carter i don't know most of these people personally. they're just listeners
(10:28:47 PM) brad_the_carter guess i just attract assholes
(10:29:57 PM) jcviolence but they can't be insulting people and your callers cant be insulting people on the air
(10:29:39 PM) jcviolence well... they can hang out man
(10:30:06 PM) jcviolence like the admins were insulted
(10:30:18 PM) jcviolence i mean any radio station will tell you that
(10:30:54 PM) brad_the_carter yep true
(10:31:19 PM) brad_the_carter we didn't have a chat room like this on the old station so i didn't really anticipate all this
(10:32:30 PM) jcviolence yeah i understand that
(10:33:28 PM) jcviolence now the are tryin to hack into the site?
(10:33:41 PM) brad_the_carter who's trying to hack into the site?
(10:34:18 PM) brad_the_carter oh i see.
(10:34:27 PM) brad_the_carter they're full of shit. they don't know how to hack
(10:34:27 PM) jcviolence rucas is talking about breakin the chat
(10:34:33 PM) jcviolence and reldnah
(10:34:51 PM) jcviolence yeah they would be very lucky if t hey can get by our security
(10:34:54 PM) brad_the_carter he's just typing gibberish it looks like
(10:35:10 PM) jcviolence seems so ...
(10:35:23 PM) brad_the_carter no one has any intention of hacking anything. they're just typing *&(&&%^%$%$#%$@$#@#%$#$^
(10:35:32 PM) brad_the_carter that's not a threat by any means
(10:36:10 PM) brad_the_carter so what do you think? is this not going to work out with me?
(10:36:27 PM) brad_the_carter cause if not, it's no hard feelings or anything. i can quit if you'd prefer
(10:36:59 PM) jcviolence well im not gonna base it on one show
(10:37:19 PM) jcviolence all i ask is that the people you have on your show respect the rules i understand you cant do much about chat
(10:37:28 PM) jcviolence thats where the admins come in
(10:37:32 PM) brad_the_carter yep
(10:37:39 PM) jcviolence but you are responsible for what is said on your show
(10:38:40 PM) jcviolence so no im not gonna fire you or ask you to quit ... i just hope your next show people dont abuse other people on air like that
(10:39:05 PM) brad_the_carter okay, i'll see what i can do with everything
(10:39:28 PM) jcviolence thanks man i'm not tryin to be a dick but you know how it is
(10:39:47 PM) brad_the_carter my problem is that i can't say on the air "okay everyone, no more making fun of the chat admins or anyone else" because that'll be like a challenge to them
(10:39:54 PM) brad_the_carter yeah i know. i don't think you're being a dick at all
(10:40:52 PM) jcviolence well we will see what happens next week
(10:41:06 PM) brad_the_carter okay. i'm gonna go hang out with my company
(10:41:14 PM) brad_the_carter i'll chat with you later
(10:41:24 PM) jcviolence i think the shows good i just didnt like the fact that people think they can just tell us to fuck off and thats okay they know its not okay
(10:41:31 PM) jcviolence ok man
My favorite line is "yeah they would be very lucky if t hey can get by our security." A challenge! Somehow I doubt these people are masters of security.