For me, it was sometime in the late 90's early 2000's when he left his humble home in Alton to come visit me in Chicago... Yeah, I was really drunk so the exact year is not that clear. Yes, for that entire time period, shut up! Needless to say, I was honored to meet someone that I had first 'met' online that was way more leet than me but had the same interests, (phreaking, social eng, being an annoying ass, dorky, having a super k-rad female bbs personality, et cetera), as I did at the time. I hold, cherish and brag about the honor of having one of my emails to His Holiness included in one of the PLA issues and have used it as a sure-fire 'in' for every job interview, pick-up line, and defense plea in my non-felony cases and getting mad respect at the two 2600 meetings that I have attended. Needless to say, RBCP has cursed/blessed my very existence. His Glorious Awesomeness is something that mere mortals like myself could never expect to attain, although, that one guy at the 2600 meeting said that my handle was cool and the Chili Peppers sucked. So, that made me feel good. Afterwards, when the crank that RBCP gave me wore off, I realized that the 2600 guy was wrong. IAMONE means, and always meant, I AM a Red Box Chili Pepper. One cannot be better than the RedBox..
Your's truly in total fanboy gheyness, not that it is wrong,
Oh yeah, so when did your dumb ass meet Our Hero(tm)? I know that my story is better because I left out the part when we got naked at Wendy's for rebuttals. Oh, I also had mad cyber with Dino, but that is best saved for another post.