Weird...I'm looking through logs right now and trying to see what happened. On January 7th on our traffic spiked by about an extra 2,000 page views, according to the Wordpress logs. The SMF logs on this site don't really show anything abnormal on that day.
But the actual server logs for show that we normally get around 100 - 150 unique visits per hour on a typical day and that's how it was on January 7th, except during the 1:00 a.m. hour it spiked to around 400 unqiue visitors. Yet, the referrer logs don't show anything out of the ordinary on that day. I have no idea where the extra 250 - 300 people came from. The only thing I can think of is that maybe a radio or T.V. show mentioned us and caused a few hundred people to visit. Or maybe it was a DDoS attack, but that's only likely if they attacked both and
(It's 1:00am on the server but 2:00am on SMF probably because I've got the time zone set wrong somewhere.)