Author Topic: Introduce Yourself Here  (Read 356877 times)

Offline Ellerbucks

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #1485 on: August 16, 2011, 07:20:29 PM »
Im Chris Ellerbucks AKA THE ELLERBUCKS (yea thats right thats me)
And i pretend im a big shot on the internet since im not in real life!
I found the pla by finding brads walmart video then deciding to search the pla in itunes out of pure boredom to be surprised to find that the pla has a podcast

Offline WiFiPunk

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #1486 on: August 26, 2011, 02:48:25 PM »
I had an uncle that taught me to make redbox calls back in the late 90s.
They never seemed to suspect a 7 year old of redboxing so I never got yelled at.
I decided to google phone phreaking one afternoon in 2005 which lead me to the PLA.
I registered to the forums a few times since but, figured no one would really want a little kid on the forums so I never posted and my accounts all got deleted due to not being used.
I'm 19 now. Still a kid but, whatever. I like being young.
I've had a couple of jobs working at save-a-lot and RadioShack.
I'm in the Army Reserve but, other than that unemployed right now.

I once bought a sticker for $1 and forgot all about it until a month or two later when I received a package with a sticker, couple of buttons, more stickers, and a CD with tons of audio that has been way over played since because rbcp forgot about my sticker or got busy/lazy causing him to send it late. To top it off the shipping was $1.06
I just recently finished the PLA book (slow reader)
I had bought the hard copy and then realized it's hard to read books in the dark so I bought a nook color, and read it off that.
While I was reading the cactus story I was on the NYC subway and decided to read it out loud.
I've never seen a small group of people on the subway so interested in cactus.

Oh yeah. Hi, my name is WiFiPunk.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 02:50:39 PM by WiFiPunk »
Every time I sign up on these forums and come back a few years later my account is gone! Go figure..

Offline BigTimeGlitch

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #1487 on: August 27, 2011, 09:57:15 PM »
Hey y'all. I registered a long time ago, made a couple posts, then got distracted with marriage and jobs and crap. But now the wife's in the hospital and I have no job, and I'm bored at home a lot more than usual. So now I'm back to try this again, and this time, I'll stick with it. Consider this my re-introduction.

Loving CactiRadio!
I can't think of anything clever to put here, but I don't want to leave it blank, either.
(> ")> ~ <( " )> ~ <("<) ~ ('< ) ~ <(   )> ~ ( >') ~ (>")>

Offline ApprenticePhreak

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #1488 on: August 29, 2011, 11:15:45 AM »
My only question is if you poisoned your wife or not.

Offline nyphonejacks

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #1489 on: August 29, 2011, 06:10:12 PM »
perhaps he just shot up heroine and then his office, and his wife happened to be a co-worker that got caught in the cross fire...

Offline killkill

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #1490 on: September 11, 2011, 11:22:02 PM »
It's me, billmclemore (sysop) ;hi.  I like PLA, and for always!..


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #1491 on: October 30, 2011, 06:07:09 PM »
Hi friends, I've been a fan of this site for a long time, the pranks are hysterical. I'm getting more and more interested in telephone networks, thought this would be a good place to start.

Offline Mickster

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #1492 on: November 09, 2011, 06:37:34 PM »
Hey all! Just wanted to introduce myself. Been visiting PLA on & off since 2000. Love this site!

Offline WeeBo

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #1493 on: November 15, 2011, 11:52:40 AM »
Hello there,
Long time reader, decided to join. Hope to meet some good folk.
Polak in Canada :)

Offline eklipz

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #1494 on: November 20, 2011, 12:17:47 AM »
Sup PLA, EKLIPz/Nate here. Just heard about this community from a video a friend showed me, of the prank calls. Laughed my ass off, and decided to check it out. Surprised to see how long this place has been kicking. I don't usually jump on things that are this old(I don't like being uber new. :P)but this seemed like a cool place.

Anywho, I work at a Wal*Mart in NJ, and know a few things about the phone system if you need any info. ^_^

Offline kidchaos

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #1495 on: December 15, 2011, 10:38:02 PM »
Hi there.  I live in the  Portlandiego area.  I have been a lame ass fan of phreaking going back to 1990.  If you count the phone number I learned to make any landline where I grew up ring then we could change that to 1980.  I am not that great at the technical side of phreaking, however I understand the language.  When I discovered PLA redboxing was about to die, it had about 5 years to go.  I used to play 'Car Wars', only with the little chits and the paper foldouts of the arena or the linking highway.  Steve Jackson games also had a bunch of wargames with sci-fi themes on hexagon maps that featured great art but poor play.  'G.E.V.' was my favorite, but I never finished a game.  'Car Wars was a breakout, and presaged the video game blowup by a hair.  It had a magazine that went with it-'Autoduel Quarterly'-  but you could only get it by post or in the bigger town south of me, so it was tough, at that time,  in 8th grade.  The reason I bring this up is I was captivated by the sweeps that engulfed Steve Jackson Games.  More than that I read the book concerning it by Bruce Sterling.  After that I was hooked following phreaking and to a lesser extent hacking.  At this point in time, they are almost nearly the same.  I lamented the death of the payphone, seriously.  It ushered in a new area of humanless conduct and a further detachment from the magic of the telephone.  In my lifetime it is likely there will no no differenciation between what I consider a computer and what I consider a telephone.  In other words, no more telephones. 
Going back to Steve Jackson games, I wondered what became of Car Wars?  Oh yeah its called 'Twisted Metal' and its okay.  Way more importantly, what became of 'Illuminati'?  As far as card/board games of that era, it was a standout.
Okay this was my little entry spiel.  Now I need to find out how to fuck with my latest ex-girlfriend's cellphone.  She texted mine from a ghost number and it took me a few to realize what was going on so I suppose I want some revenge however her shitty life is the best revenge I can have.  Honestly.  I am curious though, what the phreaks have been up to lately?  I been out of the loop, and so, with all forthrightness, here I am to get into the loop.  At least a little.

Offline Phrodo

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #1496 on: December 21, 2011, 03:30:48 PM »
Ha! Brad!! whats up man? Long time no talk...

anyway, I'm also Brad. Used to live a few towns up from RBCP back in the 90's... when boxes and stuff still worked. I'm old and whatnot, but can still tear it up! =)


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #1497 on: December 28, 2011, 04:25:01 PM »
Hi Im idiotcomic. Hello world!
Don't call me a Hobo!


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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #1498 on: January 10, 2012, 10:09:11 PM »

Offline rbcp

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Re: Introduce Yourself Here
« Reply #1499 on: January 11, 2012, 12:48:27 PM »
Shhhhhh, the baby's sleeping.