I'm doing an assignment on snail bait poisoning ive got basic knowledge of what to do in a first aid situation but any other input would help id like more infomation on what first aid can be done b4 the animal is taken into the vet clinic,what can be used to induce vommiting other than hydrogen peroxide or ipecac and what the vet might do when the animal is taken in. ive given a vet clinic a call to ask for infomation but as they we're busy i thought id ask her for any inputs from people that could help while i wait for them to give me a call back.
Thanks for any answers given.
well first you want to give the snail mouth to mouth. then rub it gently keeping it calm, we don't want it to get stressed out. now rush it to the human hospital, they do a better job and your insurance is sure to cover it (all human doctors start on snails)
hope that answers your questio